Need advice. I was offered another position that pays better. Don't know if I should accept the position.

Nurses General Nursing

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I am currently a nurse care coordinator at a primary care physician's office. My hours are 7:45am-4:15pm Monday through Friday. No weekends or holidays. I have been there for over a year. My workload is often heavy at times. On top of that, my director is very hard to work with as well I decided to explore other opportunities. 2 days ago I went on an interview for a similar position. Yesterday, that office offered me the position with more pay. And the hours are flexible I just have to work a 40 hour week. So my question is should I leave my current position? Thank you all for your help. I appreciate it.

Specializes in school nurse.

I don't think your post includes any reason why you shouldn't take the new job, but of course you don't know what it'll be like until you actually start working there.

Do you particularly like the type of work that you're doing?

I'd say more pay and flex hours are worth taking the leap.

You looked around and interviewed for a reason. If you were that satisfied where you are now, you would not have started a job search. You might regret it if you don’t follow through.

On 2/1/2020 at 4:22 AM, Jedrnurse said:

I don't think your post includes any reason why you shouldn't take the new job, but of course you don't know what it'll be like until you actually start working there.

Do you particularly like the type of work that you're doing?

I do enjoy what I do. At times, it can get a little frustrating like most jobs. I usually follow patients when they are admitted and discharged from hospitals and sub acute rehabs. I also have to follow up on patients 3 times after discharge. Also, I have to follow up on high risk patients. The administrative part of data entry on a spreadsheet and pulling records is definitely something I can do without. I really enjoy talking to patients. My job also entails helping patients find a therapist or psychiatrist. I also educate medical assistants every month with a lunch and learn. These are all of the good things that I enjoy about my current job.

I do not like that I have to come in earlier than usual on a regular basis and leave late. I also don't enjoy the fact that I have a larger volume compared to other offices and it is hard to do work. Most of all I don't enjoy that my boss has two sides and her bad side is not something I can tolerate. It is also hard working at my current position because if you act a certain way and someone doesn't like it you will get in trouble.

So I think I made my decision and I think I will take the other position. Thank you for your response.

On 2/1/2020 at 4:54 AM, CharleeFoxtrot said:

I'd say more pay and flex hours are worth taking the leap.

I think I will. Thank you.

On 2/1/2020 at 6:21 AM, caliotter3 said:

You looked around and interviewed for a reason. If you were that satisfied where you are now, you would not have started a job search. You might regret it if you don’t follow through.

Thank you for your feedback. I think I will take that position.

Go for it, as long as you have done your due diligence to be able to reasonably believe the new place is well-run.

On 2/1/2020 at 1:38 AM, evamomo said:

On top of that, my director is very hard to work with as well

On 2/1/2020 at 7:13 AM, evamomo said:

Most of all I don't enjoy that my boss has two sides and her bad side is not something I can tolerate.

That's her choice, not an imperative.


Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

You're obviously not happy where you are for the moment since you looked for a different job. Plus reaching that one year mark with your current job gives you needed experience but not so much time in that starting over would mean a big loss in accrued benefits like vacation time. If the new position you were offered intrigues you, go for it! Just make sure to give your current employer proper notice and leave on good terms if at all possible. I say that because it's not unheard of for an employer to be petty and try to cause you problems when you tell them you are leaving.

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