Need Advice on Clinical Instructor

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Okay so I've been in Nursing School for 3 weeks and so far so good "EXCEPT" I think for what ever reason my clinical instructor either #1 doesn't think I have what it takes to be a nurse or #2 she just doesn't like me for whatever reason. I've been trying to figure out what it can be, which is unfair because I should be focusing on school and not worrying why my instructor acts the ways she does towards me. She's not the type of instructor who is mean or will bully, she gets to you by Ignoring You!!! For the last 3 weeks my instructor has not checked in on me while working with patients, how does she know that I'm doing vitals correctly, or using effective communication, or repositioning and changing my patients bed linen correctly (all things we have done in lab so far). Yesterday when I was taking my patients soiled linens out of the room she was outside the door but didn't come in. I have a small clinical group of 7 students and during post conference she talks about what happened with patients in other rooms with the other students but there is nothing said about my experience that day because she doesn't have any interaction with me during clinical. She has said "good job" to me a couple of times but how can she say "good job" to me if she hasn't watched me interact with any patients??? I really don't know what the problem is: I'm on time, I hand in assignments on time, I'm come to clinical ready to work, never am I copped up in the conference room. I'm in NS to learn and work hard!!! I'm feeling discouraged because I'm with her till December. How should I handle the situation?

Specializes in None yet..
It is your clinical experience, so take control of the situation. Ask your instructor directly or indirectly, either way you will know where you stand. Sounds like you are doing all the right things, confirm it. Seek out constructive feedback from people, embrace the advice and grow. We are all individuals, and people are not alike. It's funny really, we are in a field that acknowledges and accepts difference, we think to be effective in uncertainty, but are we forgetting to carry these qualities into our peer relationships? From your words, it seems as if you are a person who enjoys affirmation. I am sure your instructor recognizes this, perhaps she is pushing you out of your comfort zone a little bit. Maybe there is method to the madness.

This is such great advice, good for anyone to hear. Thanks, phenoryker, I'll carry this with me into my nursing clinicals that start in a few weeks. And even if the instructor isn't purposefully pushing us out of our comfort zones, we're still being pushed out of them and there is something valuable to be learned there.

Update: You all were right! I talked with my Instructor and she explained to me she hasn't checked in on me as much because she saw I was confident week one, she also said that the Nurses and Tech's have said the same thing, I'm confident but that I don't hesitate to ask questions. I feel so much better! This week was great! My patient was a Nurse for 25 years but didn't tell me until I was leaving for the day, she told me I'm going to be a great nurse! I'm so happy that I'm finally pursuing my dream!!! Thanks again to everyone!!!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Update: You all were right! I talked with my Instructor and she explained to me she hasn't checked in on me as much because she saw I was confident week one, she also said that the Nurses and Tech's have said the same thing, I'm confident but that I don't hesitate to ask questions. I feel so much better! This week was great! My patient was a Nurse for 25 years but didn't tell me until I was leaving for the day, she told me I'm going to be a great nurse! I'm so happy that I'm finally pursuing my dream!!! Thanks again to everyone!!!

Great news. Clearly you were confident and professional without an air of cockiness and overconfidence. Good for you for inquiring with your instructor and I'm sure you just beamed with the compliments

Specializes in Childbirth Educator, Birth Doula.

YEP, just going to go ahead and agree with everyone else. I had a clinical instructor who never EVER spent time with me except to pass meds, and later confided her frustration in having to spend time with other students who just weren't getting it.

In nursing school, no news is good news. :)

I experienced this too, and like others have said, it's a good thing. This is what I did: Ask your clinical instructor if there is a time you can talk to her for a few minutes, and then ask her about how she thinks you're doing and how you can be better. It worked every time and was very worthwhile.

Oh just saw your update. Fantastic! :)

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

Yay! That's great news! Keep up the good work!

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