need advice asap


Specializes in Geriatrics, LTC.

Ok here is the scenerio.....

Saturday my daughter got you know that means alot of stress over the past few weeks. Of course I drank alot that night, but not enough to be sick or anything. Ok so on Sunday I felt ok, just tired. I ate dinner about 8 oclock sunday evening. By 9 oclock was have a bit of a stomach ache, more like I just needed to have a bowel movement. So I go in, and try to have one (I tend to get a bit constipated normally). As I'm trying to go and am unable, I started to get diaphoretic...badly. I am dripping sweat off of me as I finally go to the bathroom. The first part of the bowel movement felt formed and harder, but then was all loose. At one point was feeling faint and had to lay down. Ok..then I felt somewhat better. Went to bed about 11pm. After that every 45 minutes to an hour I would get stomach cramping, but no bowel movement. At approx 2 am, I would feel like I'm having a loose BM, but discovered it was bright red blood. So i figured a hemorrhoid had broke. Ok so now every 45 min I am having this cramping and some bright red blood until approx 9am monday morning, then it stops, but still getting cramping. I ate a small lunch about 12 on Mon., then with the cramping comes the bright red blood again. Ok last night the cramping has become farther between time wise, continue to have the bleeding off and on, I am passing gas. The bleeding is only when I bear down to have a BM. I'm worn out, I feel as if I'm running a fever, but temp is 98.7, my BP (per elec cuff) is 113/80. But I feel a bit lightheaded. Now all day and evening I drank water, applejuice, ate a few saltine crackers and jello. Applejuice usually makes me have a BM. So what does everyone think?

And no I'm not stupid, just a nurse and you know us...we tend to wait because we think we can take care of it ourselves. :)

Specializes in Critical Care.

You need to see your doctor ASAP ! Bleeding like that is not something to blow off.

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.
Ok here is the scenerio.....

Saturday my daughter got you know that means alot of stress over the past few weeks. Of course I drank alot that night, but not enough to be sick or anything. Ok so on Sunday I felt ok, just tired. I ate dinner about 8 oclock sunday evening. By 9 oclock was have a bit of a stomach ache, more like I just needed to have a bowel movement. So I go in, and try to have one (I tend to get a bit constipated normally). As I'm trying to go and am unable, I started to get diaphoretic...badly. I am dripping sweat off of me as I finally go to the bathroom. The first part of the bowel movement felt formed and harder, but then was all loose. At one point was feeling faint and had to lay down. Ok..then I felt somewhat better. Went to bed about 11pm. After that every 45 minutes to an hour I would get stomach cramping, but no bowel movement. At approx 2 am, I would feel like I'm having a loose BM, but discovered it was bright red blood. So i figured a hemorrhoid had broke. Ok so now every 45 min I am having this cramping and some bright red blood until approx 9am monday morning, then it stops, but still getting cramping. I ate a small lunch about 12 on Mon., then with the cramping comes the bright red blood again. Ok last night the cramping has become farther between time wise, continue to have the bleeding off and on, I am passing gas. The bleeding is only when I bear down to have a BM. I'm worn out, I feel as if I'm running a fever, but temp is 98.7, my BP (per elec cuff) is 113/80. But I feel a bit lightheaded. Now all day and evening I drank water, applejuice, ate a few saltine crackers and jello. Applejuice usually makes me have a BM. So what does everyone think?

And no I'm not stupid, just a nurse and you know us...we tend to wait because we think we can take care of it ourselves. :)

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Now, call your doctor! Hope you're better soon.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Pick up the phone right now and call your doctor's office and ask to be seen this morning. Otherwise, go to the ER--now.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

I am sure you are well aware this is not a medical advice forum. Please do as the others have suggested and see your healthcare provider ASAP.

Specializes in Geriatrics, LTC.

Hi again, ok first off...sorry about posting this in this forum, I had not seen or was aware that there was a advice forum. I haven't been on allnurses as much as I used to.

But for those of you that gave your advice, thank you. I did go to the ER and had xrays, blood work and an IV placed. The blood work was fine, my HgB was fine, my xrays were good, bowel sounds good. Stool Guiac was positive (of course). The ER was going to admit me for a colonoscopy, but then decided to send me home. Tomorrow AM I call the surgeon and see my family doctor. They want to schedule me for the colonscopy. Oh boy can't wait for that! :rotfl: :uhoh21: :imbar Since this AM though I have had no more rectal bleeding. I still feel weak and puny, but also really haven't ate anything more then saltines and jello. Of course I have been trying to drink my fluids.

Anyhow just wanted to let you all know, thanks again. :)

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
Hi again, ok first off...sorry about posting this in this forum, I had not seen or was aware that there was a advice forum. I haven't been on allnurses as much as I used to.

But for those of you that gave your advice, thank you. I did go to the ER and had xrays, blood work and an IV placed. The blood work was fine, my HgB was fine, my xrays were good, bowel sounds good. Stool Guiac was positive (of course). The ER was going to admit me for a colonoscopy, but then decided to send me home. Tomorrow AM I call the surgeon and see my family doctor. They want to schedule me for the colonscopy. Oh boy can't wait for that! :rotfl: :uhoh21: :imbar Since this AM though I have had no more rectal bleeding. I still feel weak and puny, but also really haven't ate anything more then saltines and jello. Of course I have been trying to drink my fluids.

Anyhow just wanted to let you all know, thanks again. :)

Hello, Cameron,

I am very glad you sought medical care.

FYI.........the entire BB at is not for seeking medical advice.

Again, glad you are getting care.

Good luck.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Had my first screening colonoscopy last year. The prep was worse than the procedure. The prep made me nauseated and I was throwing up. I think I tried to drink it too fast. Anyway, the nurses said they were ready to start and I don't remember anything after that because I went to sleep. It was all over in 15 or 20 minutes and I was out the door about 45 minutes later with a copy of the pictures the doc took during the procedure.

Glad you got checked out.

Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.

As I was getting ready to hit reply and tell you the same thing "see a doc!", I saw where you DID go! Good for you! Glad your blood levels came back, glad they decided it could get done outpt, glad you're on the road to recovery!

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