Published Aug 21, 2009
1 Post
Hi i was letting you know i took the NCLEX both times and had 265 questions and passed the 2ndd time around and got the last question wrong.... so that doesnt mean anything ... just got my results an hr ago... so guys who have to take it again dont let the test beat you up and PASSS
137 Posts
congrats!! so happy for you! i too failed the first time with 265 and am studying and praying hard to pass sept 2nd! howd you prepare the second time around? how were your nerves/anxiety? have a wonderful weekend celebrating!
Silverdragon102, BSN
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114 Posts
Congrats!! I too failed with 265 questions. Got my results yesterday and was near passing in all categories which has me nervous but I think that was the problem the first time. Now I just have to find a way to be above passing? What did you do differently this past time? ANy tips or advice? HAve a great weekend and celebrate like crazy you deserve it:bow::cheers:
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