NCLEX Tomorrow, April 22


Hello All,

I just wanted to ask for some special prayer and thoughts to be sent my way as I take my NCLEX for the 2nd time tomorrow.

I took my first test on February, 5 of this year and had all 265 questions. I think I burned myself out and freaked out way too much about the test before I even took it. I was completely crushed when I got home and did the Pearson trick and got to the CC screen and 2 weeks later I got my official failure letter in the mail. I had a little pity party for myself and did not want to tell anyone that I had failed (especially my nursing school friends who had already passed).

I feel different about taking the test this time. I used Kaplan and Mosby the first time and this time I have used Saunders and NCLEX 3500. I have also made what I call "my magic book", it is full of random facts and information that I have studied everyday, sometimes for just 5 minutes at a time.

Either way, I really hope that I have fully prepared myself for it this time. I have also told myself, what's the worst that can happen? I have to retake it, well I have already been through that and know that I will survive.

So, if you happen to read this, could you please just say a small prayer my way? I would really appreciate it!! :)

Specializes in Cardiac, Derm, OB.

Good LUCK!!!:anpom:

keep us updated with your exam! :D

Thank you to everyone for all the kind words and encouragement!!!

I took the test today and the exam shut off at 75 questions and took me a little of 1 1/2 hours. I was kind of freaked out about that but relieved that I did not have to go any further like all 265 questions and the 5 1/2 hours it took me the first time. I had 7-8 SATA questions, 1 math and lots and lots of infection control and priority and delegation questions!!!!

This time it felt really different!! I took my time on the questions and did not stress out one bit!!! I really feel like I was not ready before and I was much better prepared this time!!!

Well I got home and I got the GOOD POP-UP from the trick!!!!!! I am so excited I am having trouble even typing this!!!!!!!!

Praise the Lord!!! I am so happy and I cannot wait for the official results!!!!!!! :D

Thank you again to everyone who left encouraging little notes for me. I would not have gotten through it this time if it were not for this website!!! It is so good to have people who are in the same position as you or have been in the same position before to encourage and uplift one another!!!!


welcome back and congratulations, to God be the glory !!.


what did you do the second time around? i also failed the first time and went all the way to 265. i did kaplan first time. but right now i am just doing questions.tons and tons of them from saunders, mary ann hogan and nclex 4000! then before i go to sleep i try to read the saunders book

Good luck to you!

Kalop...This time around I really focused on the areas that I knew I had struggled with and I really focused on Infection Control and delegating and prioritization of care.

I used Saunders 4th Edition and read through the chapters and did the questions at the end of the chapter. I also used the CD and did as many questions as possible. I used NCLEX 3500 for questions as well.

I would study everyday for anywhere from 2-4 hours. I did a lot of content review too. I really studied my labs and my electrolytes really well and hypo and hyper signs and symptoms of imbalances. When I took it before, I really only did questions and did not really do any content review. I did Kaplan before and I really did not get anything from it.

You will do great the second time around!!!! Just don't stress (hard to do, right?). If I can pass this, anyone can!!! (people say that but its true)

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!! Keep us posted on how things turn out!!!


I'm pretty much in your shoes, but I'm going up for the second time to take the PN on the 26, and how crazy this might sound, i haven't told anyone my test date, b/c after its all over i don't want anyone coming up to me and asking if i pass. It was really hard telling my friends and co-workers that i didn't pass, so now no one knows, they will find out when i get my results saying i passed:clown:. My prayers will definitely be focused towards you. GOOD LUCK. I know you will pass, don't forget to write facts on white board.:redbeathe

ok when you say studying content what exactly do you mean?

What I mean when I say content is that I actually took the time to review material I was struggling with and read through the rationales. Where as before all I did was just answer questions and glance at the rationale because I was told that to be successful, you need to do at least 5000 questions before the test. So this time I actually took my time and read through everything. If I did not know it, I just looked it up. It took more time but that is how I did it.

I don't think that more than a handful of people from my nursing school even know that I did not pass it the first time. Only this website, close friends and family really know that I had to take it a second time, so I know all about not telling people.

You will do GREAT!!!!!! Keep me posted on how you do and I will definitely be praying for you!!!! :)

Congrats wannabRN86! That's great news. I also took the NCLEX and failed after 265 questions so I'm hoping to pass next time in 75 questions also. The 5.5 hours was brutal for me. I also focused on just getting as many questions under my belt as I could without taking my time and reviewing the rationales. Now I'm reviewing every question I do whether it's right or wrong and studying content as well. I'm taking Kaplan as well. It's helping a little but I still don't see where all the praises come from. I really hope to pass next time. My test is in two weeks. I'm nervous but focused & hoping for the best :)

Question...does the trick work right away or should I wait a little awhile when I get home from the test?


Thanks so much!!! I am still on cloud nine. I called the state board of nursing and heard my name and my status as ACTIVE!!!! I am so excited that it is "official"!

I checked as soon as I got home. It only took me about 25 minutes to get home and the trick worked right away. The first time I took it though, the trick took about an hour after I got home to work.

You will pass this thing!!! Getting all 265 means that you know something. That is what I told myself after I failed. It is easy to get discouraged about failing but getting all 265 means you were so close! You will do great this time!!!!

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