Published Jul 30, 2004
7 Posts
hi all,
I am sitting here thinking about the nclex exam i am scheduled to take at 9 am tommorow morning. I have a positve and confident vibe andI feel like I am prepared. I have been doing abou 100 questions a day consitently since february. also, i went through the kaplan trainer 4 times and got 70% to 90%I started my GN orietation in the ED two weeks ago, and i feel like I can prioritize and using the nursing process apporpriately for the situations i have experienced. (I have heard there are a good deal of delegation and prority questions.) ANy one got any last minute suggestions. I really just want to get this test over with. Also, by stroke of luck, my wife will also betaking the exam with me. I do feel as though I am a slightly more prepared than she is. But who knows? well, hope that computer shuts off at 75 and wish me luck!
2,029 Posts
GOOD LUCK (((((((((Good vibes)))))))))) coming your way.
26 Posts
Droplet, Contact and Airborne precautions and cohorting pts ...i had lots of these types of questions. Otherwise relax and be confident as you have been doing and you will do fine.
hi all,I am sitting here thinking about the nclex exam i am scheduled to take at 9 am tommorow morning. I have a positve and confident vibe andI feel like I am prepared. I have been doing abou 100 questions a day consitently since february. also, i went through the kaplan trainer 4 times and got 70% to 90%I started my GN orietation in the ED two weeks ago, and i feel like I can prioritize and using the nursing process apporpriately for the situations i have experienced. (I have heard there are a good deal of delegation and prority questions.) ANy one got any last minute suggestions. I really just want to get this test over with. Also, by stroke of luck, my wife will also betaking the exam with me. I do feel as though I am a slightly more prepared than she is. But who knows? well, hope that computer shuts off at 75 and wish me luck!Pattyboy
212 Posts
The best advise I can give is that you should hit the enter key twice once you make your decision of the best answer. It will ask you if that is your final answer(just like millionaire). Do not talk yourself out of your first instinct. It is prob right. I did that and the computer shut off at 75 questions. Many people I talked to said that they put too much thought into it and would second guess themselfs. Good luck to you. :)
29 Posts
how did you do on your nclex exam?