Nclex on 5/12/14


Taking the Nclex on Monday. Feeling stressed out at this point.

Kaplan scores as follows






Q7 - Yet to take.

Not sure if these scores are any good but, I am just hoping that I do well and pass.

Please keep me in your prayers!

Goodluck.. You can make it... Godbless..

May God be with you.

god bless!!! go get that two letters after your name "RN"!!!! :)

I can see your scores got better with time. Hope you do pass the test. Be confident.

You can do it! Don't let anxiety and stress gets into your nerves. Relax as much as possible and take your time. Keep us posted. God bless. Pray, Believe and have Faith.

Thank you so much guys!!! :) I might have the good pop up but, trying to wait for the official results.

Don't want to get excited right away!

How was the experience?

It seemed so surreal. Questions being asked were all over the place.

I was prepared to go in and take more than 75 but luckily, it stopped at 75.

The only way I got thru this experience is because of prayers from people.

Wow how wonderful. Im so happy for you. How was the nclex-rn compared to kaplan because im using it too.

Kaplan was definitely much harder than the Nclex. But, I felt like during this test in addition to critical thinking you had to know your content very well to answer questions. Especially because I got a lot of SATA and you needed you know the topic well to answer it.

Wow. Okay that's good to know. Any tips or resources you would suggest when it comes to knowing content for SATA questions?

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