NCLEX-RN (1/16/09) shut off at 110


Specializes in ED, EMS.

Well I took the big test today. 110 total. I had a lot of "who do you see first" at least 50. I also had a lot of medications. Only 3 select all that apply. No math. Man I feel like I did terrible. Anyone else have 110 and pass? or fail? Now the waiting game, I cant take it! I need some of that false reassurance lol. Good Luck to all test takers this month.

I took my test yesterday. I feel worst, believe me. Test stopped at 75. I had 3 SATA, a LOT of farmacology, then infection control and prioritizing. My guts feel that I failed. During last 24 hours I read lot of posting to predict my result and it looks not positive. Well, I let you know tomorrow morning. Good luck for both of us. And I am continuing to pray.

Specializes in ED, EMS.

Good luck Go4RN! Good vibes your way! Thanks for responding!

I took mine yesterday (1/15/09) and also had about 110. I stopped looking after a while. It was HARD. I feel your pain, I just sat in my car and shook for about a half hour. I have no idea how I did, hopefully will know tomorrow (Colorado participates in Early Results). Good luck, I'll be thinking about you!

Specializes in ED, EMS.

Thanks Mom26! Good luck to you! Can you still get quick results even on a saturday?

From reading the forums, other have, so I'm assuming so?

I took my test this week and I felt like the whole world had ended. I stopped @ 80 questions. I had about 3 SATA, a whole ton of priority questions, and a butt load of med questions. Some say the worse you feel the better you did. Waiting over the next 2 days is like stabbing you slowly. I passed, and I was 100% sure that I failed. So keep your chin up, you might of done better than you thought.

I also had alot of the "who do you see first" (must be this weeks flavor?) One med calc, one put in the right order, and one select all that apply. Very little pharm, which is my strongest subject. I vacillate between relief that it's over and maybe I did ok, and paralyzing fear of I totally bombed and having to take it again. :confused:

Specializes in ED, EMS.

Also the wait me be even longer for your quick results, because it just dawned on me that Monday is Martin Luther King day! Lets keep praying and think positive!

I'm pulling for you Arkyle!

Specializes in ED, EMS.

yeah I just keep praying that I did ok.....someone said you can still get your results over the long as you wait 48hrs!

Specializes in LTC, case mgmt, agency.

I believe some actually got their results on Christmas so check Monday. Good luck. The number of questions does not determine if you pass or fail. Stay positive. :D

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