Nclex RN June 2011 lets study together.

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hello to everyone

Everyone is welcome to join this group. lets study together share views and give each other support and encouragement.

Who had passed exam your views, encouragement, advice would be appreciated.

By God grace we will pass this exam.

I am doing content write now. I did questions before I did not pass . So now going to concentrate more on content.

Any advise or tips .


PHOSPHORUS - 2.7 - 4.5 mg/dl

CFH glucose level – 50 mg/dl – 75 mg/dl

WBC - 5000 - 10000 mm

ESR – 15-20 mm/h

0-15 mm/h for men

0-20 mm/h for women

PLATELETS – 150000-350000 mm

CHOLESTEROL – 140-200 mg/dl

Most adults need 1,500 – 2,500 kcal /day& 1,500 – 2,500 ml/day (force 3,000ml/day).

Characteristic of urine:

1. COLOR - yellow

2. CONSISTENCY – clear, transparent

3. SPECIFIC GRAVITY – 1.010 - 1.030(higher than normal-very concentrated, lower than normal – very dilute).

4. PH – 4.5 – 8.0

5. 24 hr production – 1.000 – 2000(1.500)


BUN – 7 – 18 mg/dl

CREATININE – 0.7 – 1.4 mg/dl


POTASSIUM K – 3.5 – 5.0 mEq/L

SODIUM NA – 135-145 mEq/L

CALCIUM CA – 4.5 - 5.2 mEq/L

8.5 – 10.5 mEq/L

MAGNESIUM MG – 1.5 – 2.5 mEq/L

PHOSPHORUS PH – 2.7- 4.5 mg/dl

CHLORIDE – 100 – 110 mEq/L

Normal CVP(central venous pressure) – 3-7 mm Hg

Each unit of packed red blood cells contains 250 ml

Normal blood sugar for newborn – 50-90 mg/dl

Normal blood sugar for adult 70-110 mg/dl

PPD ( Mantoux Test ) resd 48-72 hr, 10 mm or higher ( hard area under the skin)- significant + reaction. In pt with HIV higher than 5 mm + read

Multiple puncture test read in 48 -72 hr vesicle formation + reaction

STOMACH PH - 1-3.5


T4 – 5-12 mg/dl

T3 – 65- 195 mg/dl

TSH- 0.3 – 5.4 mIU/dl

HASHIMOTO’S THYROIDITIS – T3 &T4 levels low & TSH high.

PRIMARY HYPERTHYROIDIDSM – T3 & T4 levels high & TSH low

HYPOTHYROIDISM – T4 low, T3 & TSH high

HASHIMOTO’S THYROIDITIS- is the most common cause of hypothyroidism

DRIP FACTOR - # of drops in 1 ml

DRIP RATE - # of drops infused/min

FLOW RATE - # of ml/hr

1 grain(gr)= 60 mg


1. Hep Afecal/oral

2. Hep B – parenteral/sexual

3.HepC – blood/body fluids

4. Delta Hep - co-infects with Hep B

URINERY ALBUMIN > 30 ml /24 hr

IN TRAOCULAR PRESSURE (IOP)10- 21 mm Hg- if higher position pt 30 , no more

ALBUMIN – 3.5 – 5.5 best indicator for nutrition

ABG PH 7.35 – 7.45 ROMA - respiratory opposite,

PCO2(carbon dioxide) – 35-45 metabolic alike

HCO3 – 22-27 mEq/L

PO2 – 80-100 mmHg

O2 – 96% - 100%

BNP – it’s a diagnostic test for a heart. If it’s high – pt is @ risk for heart failure.

PT – Coumadin

PTT – Heparin

INR – 0.8 – 1.2 2 - 3

ANION GAP TEST–to specify cause of metabolic acidosis.NA–(Cl + HCO3)

GLASGOW COMA SCALE- scoring 1-15. Less than 8-indicates coma.

No suctioning before drawing ABG!

UREA BREATH TEST-to determine peptic ulcer.

Antibiotics or Bismuth Subsalicylate(Pepto-Bismol) disc. for 1 month before the test

Sucralfate(Carafate)&Omeprazole(Prilosec)disc.for 1 week bef. test

Cimetidine(Tagamet),Famotidine(Pepcid),Ranitidine(Zantac),Nizatidine (Axid) disc. for 24 hr before the test.

Water seal chamber–excessive bubbling–air leak in the chest tube sytem

An A1c – is a blood test that reflects average blood glucose levels over a period of 2-3 months;(normal 6-7-%for ct with diabetes) Drugs for bradycardia & low BP


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TPN –most import.- monitor for sterile technique for dressing change @ IVsite

LEAD POISONING- edetate calcium disodium(Ca EDTA)- 1 st check urinary output . Do not give to a child who can’t maintain adequate intake of fluids & adequate kidney function. Elevation of serum creatinine – signal renal involvement.

Mix the IODINE SOLUTION with fruit juice or other liquids ti disguise the unpleasant taste & give with meals or @ bedtime.

CHOLECYSTOGRAPHY- check allergies to iodine or seafood. POSTPROCEDURE- dysuria is common(contrast agent is excreted in the urine).

With PARTIAL REBREATHER MASK the respiratory alkalosis will be minimized.

CARDIAC DYSRHITHMIAS such as severe bradycardia can occur from vagal nerve stimulation during fecal impaction removal.

A ct postop T* should be @ least 95*.

BASOPHILS are responsible for releasing histamine during an allergic reaction.

Hg & HCT are typically performed 1 st in ct with upper GI bleeding to evaluate the extent of blood loss.

RENAL FAILURE- metabolic acidosis , high potassium levels.

MALLORY-WEISS TEAR is associated with massive bleeding after a tear occurs in the mucous membrane @ the junction of the esophagus & stomach . there is a strong relationship between forceful vomiting, & a Mallory-Weiss Tear. The bleeding is common from the stomach.

COLLES FRACTURE occurs in the distal radium. Falling with outstretched arms & hands may increase the risk of this type of fracture.

A history of undescended testis or cryptorchidism is a known risk factor of TESTICULAR CANCER.

OSTEOARTHRITIS- clinical findigs: joint pain, crepitus, Heberden’s nodes(bony growths at the distal interphalangeal joints), Bouchard’s nodes (growths involving the proximal interphalangeal joints),& enlarged joints.Regular exercise is beneficial .

The intrinsic rate of the AVnode is within the range of 40-70 beats/min

1 U of insulin = 15 g carb

The normal glucose levels for CSF ranges from 50mg/dl – 75 mg/dl.Low level of glucose may indicate a condition such as bacterial meningitis.



HIP FRACTURE – the affected leg is shorter , adducted, & externally rotated.


For extravasation during DOPAMIN(INTROPIN) – elevate the affected limb, apply warm compress, & admin.Phentolamine(Regitine)

Terbutaline adverse reaction – HYPOKALEMIA

ATROPINE SULFATE dosage 0.5 – 1 mg IV . drug isn’t admin.IM for the treatm. of bradycardia

RUSSELL TRACTION-skintraction applied to a lower extremity , with the extremity suspended above the bed.

DUNLOP SCELETAL TRACTION is a traction of the upper extremity to where the arm elevated with the elbow being @ 90 *. N should observe for correct body positioning with emphasis on alignment of shoulders, hips, &legs.

KAWASAKI DISEASE(mucocuteneous lymph node syndrome)- lead to CORONARY ARTERY ANEURYSMS.

SICLE CELL CRISIS:O2,hydration,bed rest,electrolyte replacement, analgesics,blood replacement,antibiotics to treat any existing infections

The average dwell time (peritoneal dialysis) aprox. 20 min. The fluid infuses within 10 min, dwells for 20 min, & then drains in about 20

Alvimopan(Entereg)- peripherally acting opioid antagonist for prevention of postop ileus after partial bowel resection surgery

Bendamustine(Treanda)- alkylating agent for treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia &certain types of non-Hodkins lymphoma

Certlizumab(Cimzia)-a tumor necrosis factor (TNF blocker) for resistant Crohn’s disease

Cinryze- prevention of angioedema attack in pt’s with hereditary angioedema

Clevidipine(Cleviprex)-an injectible Ca channel blocker for hypertention

Desvenlafaxine(Pristiq) – an SNRI(serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor)for treatment of depression

Eltrombopag(Promacta)- a thrombopoetinreceptor agonist for treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura

Etravirine(Intelence)- a non-nucleoside reverese transcriptase inhibitor for treatment of advanced HIV-1 infection

Fenofibric acid (Trilipix)- treatment of mixed dyslipidemia in combination with a statin

Fesoterodine(Toviaz) – an antimuscarinic for treatment of overactive bladder

Fospopofol(Lusedra) – a sedative to induce anesthesia

Lacosamide(Vimpat)- an anticonvulsant for treatment of partial onset seizures in adults

Methylnaltrexone(Rlistor)- a peripherally acting opioid antagonist for severe opioid induced constipation

Plerixafar(Mozobil)stem cell mobilize used before stem transplantation

Rilonacept(Arcalyst)- an interleukin-1 blocker to reduceinflammation in pt’s with cryopyrin- associated periodic syndrome

Romiplostim(Nplate) – a thrombopoeiet in receptor agonist to increase platelet production in pt’s with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).

Rufinamide (Banzel)- an anticonvulsant for treatment of seizures associated with Lennox- Gastaut syndrome

Silodosin(Rapaflo)- an alpha-blocker for treatment of beningn prostastasic hypertrophy.

Tapendtadol(brand name pending)-treatment of pain

Tetrabenazine(Xenazine)-a monoaminedepletor for involuntary movement of Huntigton’s disease

Lactulose(Cephulac)- is adm to promote ammonia excretion in the stool & thus improve cerebral function. Because LOC is an accurate indicator of cerebral function , the N evaluate the effectiveness of lactulose by monitoring the ct LOC

BONE MARROW suppression becomes noticeable 7 -14 days after floxuridine admin.

Injury fromC1 -C8 – QUADRIPLEGIA- paralysis involving all 4 extrem

Injury from T1-L4 -PARAPLEGIA-paralysis involving only lower extreme

Injury C2- C3 usually fatal

Involvment above C4- respiratory difficult.& paralysis of all 4 extrem. Ct may have movement in the shoulder if the injury is at C5 or below.

Acute nephritis- give MG*

Pap test- class 1 – normal; 2-inflammation , repeat in 3 months;3-mild to moderate dysplasia, repeat in 6 weeks to 3 months; 4- possible cervical cancer; 5- warrants a biopsy A.S.A.P.

CARDIAC DISORDER- n o T* rectal rout

Dilantin-schedule follow-up visits with physician for blood test

Prinzmetal’s angina results from or artery spasm

Kayexalate removes potassiumfrom the body through the GI system

Hypovolemic shock from fluid shifts is a major factor in ACUTE PANCREATITIS

Dantrolene(Dantrium)-decrease muscle spastisity.Most common adverse effect – muscle wealness.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-elecromyography (EMG)

Oligohydramnios – renal malformations in the neonate

Neostigmine(Prostigmine)-give before meals with a small amount of food

Pancreatic cancer-more common in African Americans, males, & smokers. Other associated factors incl. alcohol use, diabetes, obesity, history of pancreatitis, exposure to organic chemicals, consumption of a high-fat diet , & previous abdominal irradiation

Air embolism-turn ct Left side&in Trendelenburgs position.

Fat embolism- O2

Glucagone interacts adversely only with oral anticoagulants, increasing their anticoagulant effect

Ectopic pregnancy- history of pelvic inflammatory disease; intrauterine device for 2 years or more

Metronidazole(Flagyl)- cause metallic taste.Other adverse reac. Nausea, anorexia, headache , & dry mouth.

Modafinil(Provigil)- promotes wakefulness for narcolepsy

Oxytocin(Pitocin)-causes H2O intoxication

Amniotic fluid – nitrazine paper turns BLUE

Normal lady partsl discharge or urine-PINK

Periorbital edema-classic sign of acute glomerulonephritis

Nurse – client relationship & Therapeutic regimen 2 major clinical characteristics affect ct complients

Viral meningitis-s/s fever, nuchial rigidity, irritability, & photophobia

Bulging anterior fontanel is a sign of HYDROCEPHALUS

Petechial , purpuric rash may be seen with BACTERRIAL MMENINGITIS

COPD- high protein diet

Srevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS)triggered by a reaction to meds. s/s conjctival burning , fever, cough, sore throat, headache, aches & pains, & rythema & mucous membr. As the disease progresses, large portions of the epidermis are shed , exposing the dermis &causing tender skin & a weeping surface. Keeping the tissue intact is the main priority for this ct. N/D Impaired tissue integrity- Priority

Jimsonweed- anticholinergic agent- hot , dry skin

Admin. Of ketamine hydrochloride (Ketalar)& the opioids-monitor for hallucination

Droperidol-extrapyramidal reactions

Thiopental, etomidate,& propofol can produce airway reflex hyperactivity with hiccups , coughing, &muscle twitching& jerking

Glipizide(Glucotrol)- may cause adverse skin reactions, such as rash, purities, & photosensitivity

Epidural hematoma is contraindicated. By an initial loss of consciousness followed by transient consciousness leading to


Subdural hematoma results in rapid deterioration in level of consciousness

Subarachnoid hemorrhage causes irritability

Concussion may result in a brief loss of consciousness

To reverse arrhythmias , bradycardia , or sinus arrest , the usual adult dosage of atropine – 0.5-1mg IV Q 3-5 min PRN

Flumazenil(Romazicon)reverses the effects of benzodiazepins such as Midazolam

Naloxone (Narcan)-used to reverse the effects of opioids such as morphine

Phentolamine(Regitine)- is injected into the tissue to minimize the damaging effects of Dopamine(Inotropine) infiltration

Anergy testing determines the level of immune response an individual has to common microbes

CNS stimulants produce mood swings, anorexia &weight loss,& tachycardia

CNS depressants –hyperpyrexia,slow pulse, weight gain, hypotension, listlessness, increased appetite, slowing of sensorium, & arrhythmias

To determine CPP: subtract the ICP from the mean arterial pressure (MAP).

MAP=( ( diastolic blood pressure* 2)+systolic P ) : 3

Amphetamines – CNS - stimulants – cause sympathetic stimulation incl. hypertension,tachycardia, vasoconstriction & hyperthermia. Pupils dilated

IM injection of Digoxin isn’t recommended because it causes severe pain@ the injection site & increased serum creatinine kinase (CK) , which complicates interpretation of enzyme levels.

Blood transfusions- 18 or 19 G needle

Hypoactive bowel sounds–diarrhea, hunger,or early intestinal obstruction

Left sided heart falure- increased pulmonary artery diastolic pressure

Central venous pressure increases in heart failure rather than decreases

Heart index decreases in heart failure. The mean pulmonary artery pressure increases heart failure.

S/S multiple Myeloma (bone cancer)

C - alcium (elevation)

R – enal failure

A – nemia

B – one lesions

Snellen’s test – diagnose amblyopia(“lazy eye”)

Resuscitation of the neonatal with asphyxia- head in the “sniff”, position(extending the neck slightly)

Absolute neutrophil count(ANC)=

Total WBC count *(% neutrophils+%bands):100

If ct is > than 1000/mm3-no increased riskfor infection is higher with an ANC or less than 500/mm3 & the risk of infection is almost certain if the ANC is less than 100/mm/3

An early sigh of Digoxin toxicity- bradycardia. Other s/s of dig. Tox.- arrhythmias, vomithing, hypotension, fatigue, drowsiness, &visual halos around object.(Higher than 90 beats/min- notify the physician), do not take with meals( slows the absorption rate)

Aortic insufficiency- diastolic, murmur is high-pitched & blowing & is heard @the 3rd or 4 th intercostals space @ the left sterna border.

Aortic stenosis- systolic, harsh,loud & rough, crescendo-decresendo murmur, heard over the aortic area.

Mitral stenosis-diastolic, low-pitched rumbling murmur heard @ the apex

Mitral insufficiency- pansystolic ,high-pitched, blowing murmur @ the apex

MI can be: 1.anterior 2.posterior 3.lateral 4.inferior

An anterior MI causes left ventricular dysfunction & can lead to manifestations of heart failure , which include pulmonary crackles & dyspnea. Posterior, lateral,& inferior MI aren’t usually associated with heart failure.

Fetal tachycardia & excessive fetal activity -1st signs of fetal hypoxia

Uremia, anemia & acidosis- consistent clinical manifestations of chronic renal failure

Adverse reaction to OXYTOCIN(PITOCIN)- in the mother incl. hypertension, fluid overload,& uterine tetaning. The antidiuretic effect of oxytocyn increases renal reabsorbtion of H2O, leading to fluid overload- not dehydration. Jundice & bradycardia are adverse reactions that may occur in the neonate. Tachycardia is reported as a maternal adverse reaction.

Lithium toxicity- muscle twitching, mental confusion, incoordination, &coorifice hand tremors.

Severe Lithium toxicity- ataxia(luck of muscle movement), giddiness(dizziness), blurred vision, &severe low BP.

Monitoring PaO2 levels(partial pressure)& reducing the O2 concentration to keepPO2 within normal limits decrease risk of RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY in a premature neonate receiving O2.

MAOIs have an onset of action aprox 3-5 days.Full clinical response may be delayed for 3-4 weeks. The therapeutic effects may continue for 1-2 weeks after discontinuation.

Conversion disorder is characterized by alteration or loss of physical function with no physiological basis.

It takes up to 2 hrs for Lidocaine-prilocaine cream(EMLA cream) to anesthetize an insertion site.

Paralytic ileus-hypoactive or absent bowel sounds

About 75% of ANEURYSMS occur in the abdominal aorta, just below the renal arteries.

Congenital hip dislocation (infant)-assessment- Ortolanis sign- asymmetrical thigh &gluteal folds, limited hip abduction, femoral shortening, & Trendelenburg’s sign

Tension pneumothorax-decreased cardiac output, decr. tension,tracheal deviation to the opposite site.

Lichtheim’s sign – inability to speak associated with subcortical aphasia

Kernig’s sign +, Brudzinski’s sign + = meningitis

Babinski’s reflex -indicator of corticospinal damage

Acetaminophen overdose-gastriclavage &activated charcoal

Pril(ACE inhibitors)-dizziness,headache, &hypotension common adverse effects; may cause diarrhes

Frontal lobe damage-affects personality, memory,reasoning, concentration,&motor control of speech

Brain steam damage- hearing & speech problems

Temporal lobe damage- hearing&speech problems

Occipital lobe damage-vision disturbances

MI- T-wave inversion; ST – segment elevation,& pathologic Q-wave-signs of tissue hypoxia

The Hemovac must be compressed to establish suction

Retinal Detachment- light flashes & floaters in front of the eye

Glaucoma-gradual loss of peripheral vision

Acute (angle-closure)glaucoma-headache,nausea , &redness of the eyes

Cataracts-double vision is common

Intraosseous infusion(infusion in the bone marrow)in an emergency, intraosseous drug admin. Is typically used when a child is critically ill & younger than age 3

LOOP DIURETICS adverse reaction: weakness, irregular pulse, hyperactive bowel sounds, decreased muscle tone , hypokalemia,ventricular arrhythmias


Rear –facing car seat (infants)-until 20lbs or 1 y.o.

Labor- 4 stages, 3 phases:

1st stage onset of labor to full dilation(1st phase-early(0-3 cm),2nd phase active(3-7 cm),3rd phase transition(7-10cm) )

2nd stage full dilation to birth of the baby

3rd stage birth of the placenta

4th stage 1 hr postpartum

Bence Jones protein in the urine almost always confirms multiple myeloma

Arterial (peripheral)insufficiency of the lower extremities- lower the legs to dependent position

Pulmonary embolism –sudden tachypnea , dyspnea, & chest pain

Addison’s disease- s/s hyponatremia,hyperkalemia, dehydration, low BP, metabolic acidosis

Toddler- separation anxiety

Etnocentrism-universal unconscious tendency of human beings to think that their ways of thinking, acting, &believing are the only right, proper & natural ways

Aspirin – pt who takes daily- monitor for serum albumin to prevent aspirin toxicity

SIDH-s/s overproduction of antidiuretic hormone , fluid retention.Severe cases- vascular fluid overload , signated by jugular vein distention

Discharge planning begins upon admission

Cillen’s sign –blue black bruising of the area around the umbilicus.the sign takes 24-48 hr to appear& predicts a severe attack of ACUTE may be accomp. By Grey Turner’s sign( bruising of the flank), which may then be indicative of pancreatic necrosis with retroperitoneal or intraabdominal bleeding

Measels- koplik spots

Kaolin &pectin mixture(Kaopectate)-antydihrreal meds

Sudoriferous glands secrets SWEAT

Plug the opening of the trach tube in pt who doesn’t require continuous mechanical ventilation should be 5-20 min

Joint abnormalities –most obvious manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis

Vesicular lesions – impetigo

If Ascites presentin ct with cirrhosis of the liver, potassium-sparing diuretics such as Aldactone, should be admin., because it inhibits the action of aldosterone in kidneys

Dilantin-child should brush & floss the teeth , because it causes lymphoid hyperplasia(gums)(gingival hyperplasia)

NSAIDs taken for long period of times-bleeding in GI

IM injectons for infants&toddlers should not exceed volume of 1.0 ml

Crede method-done by gently pressing down on bladder

Endoscopy-hoorificeness is normal; watch for laryngospasm or bronchospasm

Barium contrast(test)-low residue diet or clear liquid diet for 2 days

EEG(electroencephalogram)- do not stop anticoagulants before test

Dextrocardia-heart in the right side

Dressler’s syndrome- postmyocardial infarction syndrome-pleuratic chest pain,pericarditis, fever,&leukosytosis

Syncope-transient loss of consciousness resulting from an inadequate blood flow to the brain


















Cardiac tamponade is a medical emergency!Classic s/s :1.Hypotension

2. muflled heart sounds with high jugular venous pressure(increased CVP).

SHOCK-DO NOT! Elevate or lower the head of the bed.maintain complete bed rest in FLAT POSITION or legs slightly raised to increase venous return.DO NOT! Move ct; no commode. Keep ct warm.

Open pneumothorax:hole in the chest wall, communication with lungs

Closed pneumothorax:hole in the lung; chest wall intact.air forced into the pleural space with a continued pressure build up.shifts mediastinum away from affected sidenwith results of a compressed heart .Treated with chest tube insertion.Cardiac &respiratory arrest if not treated.

Tension pneumothorax:A NURSING &MEDICAL EMERGENCY!

All of these musculoskeletal disorders, exept Guillian-Barre feature the letter m:1. Myasthenia gravis 2.Poliomyelitis 3. Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis 4.Muscular Dystrophies

Guillian-Barre syndrome-follows a viral infection. Ascending paralysis that may affect muscles of respiration as paralysis ascends.

Cor Pulmonale- right ventricular hypertrophy & subsequent chronic heart failure

Asthma-avoid aspirin & other NSAIDs

Ct with anemia may be severely hypoxemic & never turn blue, but rather “ashen”

Low pressure alarm sounds- the ventilator tube disconnects.

High pressure alarm sounds-check for obstruction or occlusion of the airway :mucousplugs,bitting of the tube by ct, tube slips into right main stembronchus, or increased secretions.

Communications difficulties of a ct with CVA usually indicate involvement of the dominant hemisphere, usually the left brain.

Multiple sclerosis-early changes:vision& motor sensation; late change:cognition& bowel control

Epinephrine eye drops NO!to ct with heart condition

Acute closed –angle glaucoma(shallow, narrow-angle,or congested glaucoma)-MEDICAL EMERGENCY!Blindness may occur in 2-5 days if left untreated.s/s:Sudden onset of blurred vision, halos or colored rings around white lights; sudden frontal headache; sudden severe eye pain , reddening of the eye , nausea& vomiting.

Alkaline substances(lye,ammonia,some powdered detergents,drain cleaner,&battery fluid)in the eye Priority to treat for.Acids in the eye- reversible damage.

Retinal detachment-sense of a “curtain being pulled over the eye

Cystocele-hernia (bladder into lady parts)

Chronic renal failure-low protein diet,low potassium,low carbonated drinks.

Acute renal failure- regular protein intake,high carb, restrict fluid high in potassium, phosphorus & sodium.

Bromocriptine(Parlodel)-growth hormone suppressant

Physical changes of Acromegaly are irreversible

VDRL becomes reactive 2-6 weeks after the primary infection;syphilis is treated with penicillin G IM or erythromycin for 10-15 day if allergic to PCN.Chlamidia & Gonorrhea may be asymptomatic in females , pelvic inflammatory disease can develop if left untreated

Specializes in geriatrics.

Thanks Great notes hope your studyings going well Good luck to everyone

Thank u 2 u 2!!!!!!!!!we all inthe same luck to everybody.!!! I was doing my tests(4000 quest) 75 & above , sometimes even 85% & now(a couple of days) i did as low as 67-70%. Im i overstuded?! Plz , anybody respond!!!!!!!!!

thanks never stop.

Specializes in med/surg & home health.
Thank u 2 u 2!!!!!!!!!we all inthe same luck to everybody.!!! I was doing my tests(4000 quest) 75 & above , sometimes even 85% & now(a couple of days) i did as low as 67-70%. Im i overstuded?! Plz , anybody respond!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if you don't over guess at times. I was online reviewing Qs and noticed many that I would have gotten right if I'd gone with my 1st choice. I find too that I have difficulty choosing between 2 seemingly right answers and pick the wrong one at times. Maybe it's just the content or a certain type of question for you? Maybe relax more . .. Keep going!! Sounds like you'll do well! ;)

Specializes in geriatrics.

I got that way when I was getting ready to take my LPN boards the closer it got my scores started dropping my instructor told me to take a break i was over analyzing the questions and studying to much. take a break and do something fun and then go back to doing your questions and see if it helps


Thank u 2 u 2!!!!!!!!!we all inthe same luck to everybody.!!! I was doing my tests(4000 quest) 75 & above , sometimes even 85% & now(a couple of days) i did as low as 67-70%. Im i overstuded?! Plz , anybody respond!!!!!!!!!

OMG. Me too... I thought its only me.. As my exam date is getting closer, My scores are dropping and I thought OMG, this is not a good sign and thinking to move my exam date again..:uhoh3: And sometimes it makes me so frustrated that makes me got too lazy do all these practice questions.. :confused: This whole thing is my everything and I cant afford to fail this again.

By the way what material are u using for your practice questions?

omg. Me too... I thought its only me.. As my exam date is getting closer, my scores are dropping and i thought omg, this is not a good sign and thinking to move my exam date again..:uhoh3: And sometimes it makes me so frustrated that makes me got too lazy do all these practice questions.. :confused: This whole thing is my everything and i cant afford to fail this again.

By the way what material are u using for your practice questions?

hi there...........i think we got tired , thats the reason. I deside to give a break for questions, & just read some info. For reading i us kaplan book, & some notes that i made for rationals. For questions 4000 , sometimes 3500, or alternate type by silvestri, also lacharity book. What about u?

I am using the same material as yours, but right now I am using Saunders, and alternate it with the NclexRN3500 that someone gave me here in this site. My friend also recommend me the 4000? -in relation to that, is it the same thing as the 3500?

I did the La charity a month ago, and planning to review it again this week, but for some strange reason I couldn't find it.. I hope I didn't lose it..

I would also like to share that we need to do some form of exercise everyday coz our brain needs oxygen everytime(for me, I go to the gym) and eat a balance diet..

I am using the same material as yours, but right now I am using Saunders, and alternate it with the NclexRN3500 that someone gave me here in this site. My friend also recommend me the 4000? -in relation to that, is it the same thing as the 3500?

I did the La charity a month ago, and planning to review it again this week, but for some strange reason I couldn't find it.. I hope I didn't lose it..

I would also like to share that we need to do some form of exercise everyday coz our brain needs oxygen everytime(for me, I go to the gym) and eat a balance diet..

hi jadecn read your thread. thanks for sharing..when is your exam?

Specializes in med/surg & home health.
I am using the same material as yours, but right now I am using Saunders, and alternate it with the NclexRN3500 that someone gave me here in this site. My friend also recommend me the 4000? -in relation to that, is it the same thing as the 3500?

I did the La charity a month ago, and planning to review it again this week, but for some strange reason I couldn't find it.. I hope I didn't lose it..

I would also like to share that we need to do some form of exercise everyday coz our brain needs oxygen everytime(for me, I go to the gym) and eat a balance diet..

I'm finding that I want a change every few days and some days off here and there works wonders for me. While reviewing Saunders (should I say trudging through it?) I'm doing some note taking (writing memory review cards), reviewing study helps I've collected, doing questions/rationals from a few sources. Today I got out LaCharity and didn't do so good (a bit discouraged) but the rationale makes sense, so I'm wanting to work further on it now.

Ah yes, exercise! Green smoothies are great too, for energy. :lol2:

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