NCLEX-RN - Exam Item Types



Has anyone written the NCLEX-RN exam recently? I'm trying to figure out the breakdown of the following types of items that people were faced with. Item types are:

- Multiple Choice (one answer)

- Fill-in-the-Blank Calculation

- Exhibit

- Hot Spot

- Multiple Response

- Drag and Drop / Ordered Response

- Audio

- Graphic

I've heard that most of the questions are Multiple Choice (one answer). If you've written lately could you give me a rough breakdown of the % of each question that you were asked on the exam?



Hi, All exams are different. I did it more than once and all the exams was different. Some may get lots of SATA, few drag & drops, ect. But SATA is the raining king and also pharmacology, few calculations. Hope this help.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

It's computer adaptive testing so there are no set percentages. What one candidate sees in question types will not match what the next candidate gets. Just like one candidate may pass at 132 questions and next fails at 89. The breakdown is for content area (pharmacology, safety, etc). I didn't have any hot spot questions

Stopped and passed at 75 in 2:30 min with 40% SATA questions, 3 ordered response , 2charts, 1 ECG, 3 meds .. Tho I felt like I really fail the exam right after.. But god is good..

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