NCLEX review


Hello there! For those who will be taking the NCLEX exam, how long do you review or study each day? Thanks and good luck!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I have been studying for a few hours during the day then a couple more at night. I have been doing multiple practice tests both online and on CDs from different review books. I am scheduled for Oct 5th. I am nervous as anything. Good luck to you!!


I'm scheduled Oct.5th, I have been trying to study at least an hour a day from review books, I plan on doing 3 hours a day starting this weekend though. Best wishes on the NCLEX, and God bless!

Hi. I've failed the first time so I am studying about 8 to 9 hours a day using Saunders CD rom. It great because they list all the content such as GI, RESP. OB, PEDS, etc. and I just go on one by one doing it along with taking notes. Right now I am doing Pharm. and it has 556 questions and so far I have done 200 of them. It is a great tool and hopefully I will pass the 2nd time around. Good luck to all of you studying the exam.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

blessed1702..guess we will both be doing the same thing on the 5th of October. Good luck to us all!!!:nurse:

I'll be testing October 7th! I'm mainly just doing Saunder's cd, I find it the most comprehensive. We take HESI at my school as an NCLEX predictor, and if you score above a 900, then you should be ready to take boards with little or no review. I made a 965, I hope they're right!

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