Published Apr 14, 2009
2 Posts
Hey everyone. I took my NCLEX-RN in California. I took it on the 10th and now its the 13th and I do not see my name in the ca dot rn dot gov website. My friends who have passed in the past said that it takes three days to post. Today is the 13th and marks the 3 days later and my name isn't up. Does that mean I did not pass? Did anyone get see there name pop up anytime after the 3 days? All my classmates said they saw their name on the license verification exactly 3 days post test. So does that mean I fail or do I still have hope. I dont know what to think. I feel I should start studying again for my test but its soo depressing and not knowing only makes it worse. I wish I could tackle this down and pass already. I really need it. My family really needs it as well. What do I do? Can anyone help me with any helpful information. It will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
There are many threads discussing California. Average is 3-10 days and we even have members that take longer. Website indicates 2-4 weeks. I would suggest relax (or try to ) and wait for results before starting over again as you may not have to
Good luck
61 Posts
Hello, well yes it is thrue that RN's were able to see their results 3 days later after taking the test but the way the board of nursing is working now in days is different so just wait and relax!!!!!!
38,333 Posts
Congratulations on taking the test and good luck.
337 Posts
Good Luck to you as you await your results.