NCLEX results in NJ, how long?


For anyone who has taken NCLEX recently in NJ, can you tell me how long you waited for your results? Took the exam on Thursday, Feb. 19th, can I expect quick results on Saturday or will it not be until Monday or later? The notice says please wait 2 business days after your test. Do you count the date you tested on, or start the day after? My nerves are wearing thin and I can't seem to focus on anything other than getting the results. :bugeyes:

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Be well,


Quick Results are available 48 hours after testing thru Pearson-Vue. Their computers do not take off for holidays or weekends, so results will be there on Saturday.

Thank you Suzanne4, perhaps I'll be able to sleep a little better tonight. :yawn:

I can't believe how stressful the wait has been. I just need to know one way or the other.



What would you have done if you had to wait the couple of months as we all had to do before the NCLEX exam was in existance?

Getting nervous while waiting for results is not going to change anything. 85% pass the first time.

Best of luck tomorrow with your results and please let us know how you do.

Wishing you good luck.

NCLEX results this morning said PASS!!!

Thanks for the support. :heartbeat:redbeathe:heartbeat

Congratulations on passing and best of luck as you begin your new career.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Congratulations and good luck in your new career

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