NCLEX practice question help


Question: The client is admitted to the emergency room reporting crushing chest pain, shortness of breath, and left arm pain. Which action, if taken by the nurse, is BEST?

I picked oxygen, but the right answer was morphine, with the rationale saying that oxygen is done second. But I remember learning before that it is no longer MONA, it is now OANM. Can someone clear this up? Thanks!

What does morphine do for somebody with angina?

Think backwards: Why is he having angina?

Why is he short of breath?

Does morphine do anything that might help with those things?

So ... is it a good idea to treat lots of things that are making for the clinical presentation of a heart made unhappy by several things all at once, or just one to start?

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Moved to the NCLEX forum.

Specializes in NICU, RNC.

Get out your drug book, or even google it, and look up why morphine is given for angina (hint: it's not just for pain relief). My clinical instructor made me do this and it helped solidify the importance of morphine. (just giving you the answer won't help you remember it as well. ;) )

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