Published Feb 23, 2009
61 Posts
Hi I just Graduted lpn school on the 18th . now i wanna get ready to take the nclex. I bought to books saunders 3rd edition and nclex pn flashcards.I also have an old mosby book from a friend is there anything else i should be trying to study.I'm getting really nervous and i need to pass asap. Thanks in advance.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Do not get too many resources and overdo it. Better to keep to one or two and concentrate on questions and rationales
38,333 Posts
Consider using Suzanne's plan that you can read about in the stickies at the top of this forum. She has you use just the Saunders review book. Too many resources can get you muddled and confused. Good luck.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Put away anything old, it will not help you at all. And limit resources or you will only end up getting more confused as the preparation moved forward.