Published Sep 6, 2006
Herk's mom
24 Posts
I took mine yesterday. And while Im waiting Im just wondering about everything! The computer shut off @85. And from what I gather from reading postings here,is that is kind of a good omen. (I know the # of q's really means nothing), but has anyone failed @ 85?
I am just curious, Thanks Jen:rolleyes:
49 Posts
The answer to your question is YES. There have been people to fail w/85 questions.. But the majority with 85 questions pass.
I also recently took the NCLEX-PN and I am waiting for my results. My computer also cut off at 85 and I feel that I have failed because the questions were extremely difficult!! I called my BON to see when the results will be posted and she said tomorrow.. I will post to let ya know how I did. Good Luck to you!
10 Posts
I think your odds of passing with 85 are much better then failing with 85. Good luck to you both! I'm betting you passed!
8 Posts
I took my test today and it ended at 78 q's and i am dead nervous. What are the chances of me failing?
I didnot get much of factual questions, most of them were general questions.
Damn, i am so nervous.
Anyone failed with 78 q's?
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
I took my test today and it ended at 78 q's and i am dead nervous. What are the chances of me failing?I didnot get much of factual questions, most of them were general questions. Damn, i am so nervous. Anyone failed with 78 q's?
Did you read the earlier posts on this thread? Or other threads that address this question?
The answer is yes, people fail with 78 questions. People pass with 78 questions. The odds of you passing are greater than failing simply because somewhere around 85% of first-time test-takers pass, REGARDLESS of the number of questions they had.
Relax, hang tight, wait for results :)