NCLEX March 14


Just had it in this morning. It looked very difficult with very close anwers questions. It shot down to 75 qs and I left the Pearson location speechless. No calculations, no drag and drop. Alot of SATA and prioritization. I am in waiting till Monday when I should call to get a result...I don't know about pvt but in my studying I was consistent over 70 % on the tests I took Lippincott (finished it with more than 75% overall), NCLEX 4000 and the prioritization book.

Pray for me and good luck guys!!!

do the pvt!! it is accurate from what i know

how do you do that?

Finally I h ad the heart to pay the 7.95 on Pearson...I PASSED... I am a newborn REGISTERED NURSE... without any class review just working Qs home by myself... yes it is possible...Good luck to all of you in taking this exam...any Qs now...I can answer.

I am like you- no calculation questions, but... three drug questions, about 10 SATA and many many advocate and informed consent, and two drag and drop. I dont get it! All that studying and time and I did not even get to prove myself! I walked out when the computer turned off and thought I BOMBED it- I FAILED- God help me. I thought 75 questions means you failed. Any thoughts???? Help I am sad

I am like you- no calculation questions, but... three drug questions, about 10 SATA and many many advocate and informed consent, and two drag and drop. I dont get it! All that studying and time and I did not even get to prove myself! I walked out when the computer turned off and thought I BOMBED it- I FAILED- God help me. I thought 75 questions means you failed. Any thoughts???? Help I am sad

You cannot tell by the number of questions whether you passed or failed. Even if you get the MAXIMUM number of questions, that doesn't mean you failed...that means you were very, very close the entire time.

The only thing you know for sure if you get 75 questions is this:

1. If you passed, you rocked it.

2. If you failed, you really bombed it (if you were close, the test would go on).

I have NEVER seen anyone post on this board that they nailed the NCLEX when they took it...most people think they failed. Do the PVT and find out!

That's true! in 75qs the computer takes a desicion and keeps going only if is not sure you're good or bad... I almost had a heart attack when I got the blue screen. One of my friends went up to 130 qs and got it...If you failed...just get through the books you already studied...The secret is to do as many Qs as you can and read the explanation afterwards. I did 150 qs a day...

Congrats you passed.

I passed!!!! My name is already on the Wisconsin Web site! Thank you God!

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