NCLEX March 14 in CA and still no results! Advice??


Specializes in Critical Care Labor & Delivery.


Does anyone know if you fail the NCLEX in CA does the IP listed on the web go away immediately? I took the NCLEX March 14th (75 questions) and have been dutifully checking the site for results every day trying not to freak out. My IP is still up and the license isn't showing.

The CA BRN drives me insane! :banghead:

I called a week ago and was told that they never received my final transcript with my degree. I called the college and confirmed that it was sent on Feb 22, I asked the college to send another copy (they did). I waited a few days and called BRN to see if they got the 2nd copy. They said it could take up to 4 weeks to process. I reminded them of when I was waiting for my IP, they 'lost' my fingerprints back in January (I sent them three times via registered mail, Fed Ex and finally by fax!). I was told to wait a few days and check again. I called today and after being transferred a few times, I was told that my file is 'complete'. I said, "Wait, what? Complete. What does that mean? My license isn't showing up on the website. Does that mean I failed?" She was pretty cryptic and said that the website only updates once a day "keep checking the web and the mail".

Soooo either I passed but it hasn't posted due to the transcript/degree paperwork being completed just today, or I failed and they're stalling me until the letter goes out in the mail. If I failed would my IP still be up?

The waiting is killing me! :bugeyes:


Specializes in School Nursing.

just hang on there.... I know it is very hard to wait..... just keep on praying.

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.

Ha HA, ::sigh::: welcome to the wonderful world of the CA BRN, ive been dealing with them for over 3 months now,

In summary:

I tested (the first time) in jan 25, i woke up everyday, at 0400 (they update tues-sat at 0430)..i woke up everyday at 0400 and checked for over 3 weeks straight, i called them at least 12 times..DONT bother calling them, they are quite rude and all that they will say is "your file is complete", and they really cant underdtand why we are so stressed about this..sheesh

i ended up fialing that one, now I tested again on March 17th (3 days after you).and now i wait again, I tested with 3 classmates and there are like 3 people in here that tested (in us) around the same day (give or take)

CA BRN people ..absolutely, positively do not care, they are paid to say "you file is complete, you will be notified in writing within 30 days of your results..) i had several of them actually hang up on me, when i was nothing but polite to them.


welcome to the CA BRN GAMESHOW !!

...what i can tell you is, (and what i was told by a "higher" up at the BRn--Once i actually got a half way decent supervisor on the phone)

she said--the longer you wait for it tp post--the worse it is.

and from what i know is: if your file is "complete", then anything after 10 "business" days..and no name on the BRN website, then..not good.

today is day "7: for me, 3 more days, (oh and BTW -no one else has gotten their results either)

sooo either we ALL failed, or the CA BRN is just being.......Themselves.

Hope i could help, and i wish you (and us) the best


Specializes in Critical Care Labor & Delivery.


Did you get an IP to work when you graduated? Did it dissapear from the web before or after you got the dreaded fail letter? My IP is still up and I'm still working... If I fail, I lose the IP and can't work until I pass.

Also, according to the CA BRN it last updated yesterday March 24... wondering if it will update today or if they are a day behind???

Best of luck to all!

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.

Oh i forgot to add the IP news,

your IP is NEVER pulled..I too thought that would be an indications that i failed, I had heard that they pull your IP instantly..they SHOULD but they dont

Mine is still on there, and like i said, i friend has failed 3 times,,,and hers is STILL on there, the IP is no longer valid..but it still shows

YOUR IP is there till the 6 months are up, wehter you pass or fail


i also took it mar. 14 and i have nothing on the shut off at 75 questions...the first time i got 103 questions so i either did well or i did not do to well.....i should have taken kaplan...i tried to do it on my own twice....only time will tell....i don't think i have administration problems because i got my results in the mail the first time around....i'm just wondering if anyone who took the exam on the 14th got their results already.....spare me. =)

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.

Any word ?? I checked today march 26 , its been updated dor march 25th, no word here for me. as well as any one else i know that took it on or around march 14-18 ?? i doubt we all failed ?..well lets keep hope alive..

Im gonna hold out till sat morning, then i will take it as i failed and begin to re-study on monday morning.


Specializes in Critical Care Labor & Delivery.

Hi all,

My license was posted this morning! :yeah:

I think my phone call yesterday helped. I was fairly assertive and reminded them of my many, many phone calls in which I received conflicting information each time as well as their history of losing my paperwork (I had sent everything registered return receipt or Fed Ex and had proof of delivery every time). Finally I was transfered to someone who put me on hold and got my actual 'paper' file instead of refering to what the computer said. The computer was saying that my file was still incomplete, my final transcript with the degree had not been received (sent it several times). However, when the gal took the time to look at the real file, my final transcript was right there. She must have clicked the 'complete' button on the computer allowing my NCLEX results to post today.

I think what happens at the CA BRN is that the paper file sits on someone's desk until they get around to it. If you take the NCLEX but the computer says your file is incomplete for any reason, your results will not post and no one is going to make the effort to look at the paper file unless it works it's way to the top of the pile or you insist.

So my advice to those of you still waiting, is to call and make sure your file is marked 'complete' in the computer and if it is not, find out why and fix it. Then, insist on talking to someone who can physically touch your paper file to double check. Be friendly but assertive, ask to be transferred to a supervisor. Explain your situation. I told them that I was working on a critical care unit (true) and my boss was breathing down my neck for me to have my RN.

Best of luck to everyone still waiting, you will get there. I was so sure I was going to have to pull out my books and get busy studying again - I am so grateful that this part is over and now the real learning begins! :nurse:

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.

Congrats !!! So you tested march 14th ..i tested march 17th soooo if things are done correctly,,(i.e. subsequent order, i.e. first come first serve..) i should be seeing mine post soon, (hopefully, if i passed) are the first person ive been "monitoring" that has received knews online...and the first of my :group" of people that tested between march 13-18...hopefully the next few days produce some more good news for others as well

again, congrats and good luck in your career.


Specializes in Critical Care Labor & Delivery.


I hope you and the rest of the group hear very soon! I did want to let you know that a fellow classmate of mine took the test in Redding, CA on Mar 13th and her results are up now too so maybe the BRN is just a little behind (pun intended!) :p

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

congrats bibliophile! :smokin:

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