Nurses General Nursing


I am so confused about when to take my NCLEX exam. If someone could offer me some advice please!

So I graduated this past Saturday May 16th.

My Kaplan Review Course is from May 26-29.

I then leave for Europe on June 7 until June 29.

I wanted to take the exam before I left but that leaves me with about two weeks to prepare with the inclusion of the Kaplan Course. (should have thought the vacation through better, I know)

My confusion is whether to just take it or wait until after I come back from Europe on June 29. I would reschedule my Kaplan but the next Kaplan Review Course near my house does not end until July 17. I would spend another 2 weeks studying and then take the exam the first week of August.

Which option is better? logical? will help me pass??

Thank you so much for your input!

Specializes in SRNA.

Take it as soon as possible. The longer people wait, the worse they do.

The thing I would be most worried about is if you will get issued an approval to test (ATT) before you leave on vacation. You've already applied for licensure by exam and registered on Pearson-Vue, correct?

Specializes in Cardiac, Wound Care.

I would take it before if you can. Stay on the questions to keep you in test mode. Try not to stress. Remember, if you don't pass you can retake it. I had to take it 3 times :D

Enjoy your vaction

yes I registered today with Pearsonvue but have not recieved my ATT that is what is worrying me, as well as if I don't get a date that week to take it. I really want to take it before I leave but I don't know if it is practical :(

Specializes in Operating Room.

I know people say the longer you wait the worse you do, but in my GN class at my first facility, we had 3 people fail. All of these people took it within a month of finishing school. I graduated May 19th and took the NCLEX on August 2nd. I passed the first time with 75 questions.

IMO, you don't want to rush things either. I would take it when you come back..bring some NCLEX study guides with you.

Specializes in SRNA.

You won't get the ATT until your board of nursing completes your application and they tell pearsonvue you're eligible. Then pearsonvue sends the ATT to you via e-mail. So I graduated on December 7 of 2007 and got my ATT on December 24 of 2007. Your BON may be faster, but just know that they'll be having all your classmates and all the other new grads in your state that just graduated to process...

Nonetheless, if you can take it before your vacation, take it and go enjoy Europe.

I recieved the letter today from BRN telling me to register with pearsonvue. It said the only thing they were missing was a transcript with posted degree upon graduation. I think my school sends that to them. So I won't get my ATT until they receive that, even though I have already registered?

Thank you all for your input!

Specializes in SRNA.

You probably have to formally request a transcript be mailed to the BRN - your school won't automatically do must authorize them to release your school records. You won't get your ATT until your application is complete with the BRN and if they need your transcript, they need your transcript.

Yes, well they sent me my ATT last night. HOWEVER now I noticed they missed my first name by one letter. I guess R and P look very similar and I did not even catch it until now. Now I am trying to get in touch with BRN to change this. Just my luck :/

I know everyone is for hurrying up with getting the test over but I am always wary of rushing things. If you have other things going on I would say wait until you get back. Take a book with you and study some a little everyday you are gone and then come back for the test. You will also have to register with personvue.. who may not have testing dates available for you until later anyway.

Take it before you go on your not prolong it. You are going to be in that vacation mode upon returning and then you have to several more weeks just to review again. But like what Reno1978 said, you have to wait for your ATT notice. Good luck.

Specializes in SRNA.

That's cool! They must not require the transcript to release your ATT. They'll definitely require it before issuing you a license, though, if they require that for licensure.

I hope you clear up the misspelling of your name quickly though! Make sure you didn't type it wrong on PearsonVue's site.

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