Published Aug 12, 2014
3 Posts
I took nclex rn today the entire test 265 questions lols.Got a good pop up and hope i passed.I came across Allnurses while doing my preq and have been very motivated by comment from fellow students and nurses.Well, I Graduated last may, got evicted in June, lost my mom in July, moved to a new town last thursday and took the test this monday and passed.This can only be God.
I used kaplan, did QT 1-7 , diagnostic, readiness and Qbank 68% of questions.In all these my scores were between 49-63%. Nclex is a tough exam and you can pass or fail anywhere from item 75.The good news is that you are ok as the comp keep giving you questions.atleast you are not out yet!you have content know how you just need a bit of critical thinking and knowing this helped me stay on top of the game.Knowing this it important to read each question and answer choices carefully, apply critical thinking, and know each que count.Kaplan helped build endurance otherwise i would have given up on item 200.Content videos were great. and a few chapters from saunders. Kaplan strategies was helpful too.Good luck everybody.Will let you know how it goes.
630 Posts
First, I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. Congrats on getting the good pop up.
218 Posts
congrats !!!
javadown2, BSN
54 Posts
Well lets hope you get the good news, sounds promising! That would be painful to get all 265 questions! Thanks for sharing.
136 Posts
My condolences... & congratulations. Your mom must be very proud of you from up above. =)
Thank you graduatenurse14. visited continental testing and found out i passed!!!! Its a great feeling.
Javadown2, I am officially a RN. I passed!!!!.Its not painful to get 265 questions if you understand how NCLEx works and why the computer keeps giving you questions. if you are far below the passing level the computer will definately kick you out, same way if you are far above the passing level, the computer will shut down because no need to keep asking you questions that you are consistently getting right.The good news is if you keep getting questions it means you have a good understanding of the content or are familiar with the content, but need more critical thinking.In my case when i went beyond 120 about the national average passing items, I knew i needed to apply more critical thinking.By the way i had tons of SATAs,EKG reading, priority mainly marternal nursing, Infection control and one drug calculation. My advise for you and every graduate out there waiting for to take NCLEX is you need to understand how the NCLEX exam works before you can start your reviews. that way you will know what is happening if you find yourself going past 75 item, and kaplan does a great job here.Goodluck