NCLEX exam results!

Nursing Students NCLEX


Is there any way that I can get the right answers on my exam? I took my NCLEX last may 2008 but obviously I failed... Just a thought! Its for review purposes...

Any suggestions please! I think I badly needed one! I already failed my first attempt on NCLEX RN exam...

Responses will be highly appreciated!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Review classes are not always required and will depend n where you live. In most cases you can discount 2 questions and concentrate on the remaining, so look again at the question. Best thing to do is practise as many questions as you can making sure you understand the rationale and use the latest books as they will over any new format style questions

Hi mamut

I think your best option will be Kaplan on line.:typing

They have some strategies that really help. Lots of practice questions very similar to the Nclex. Lots of SATA questions. I got my results today and I passed with 75.

The book that they give for review is very good.

but where can i avail Kaplan's review book? do i have to enroll in their review class first?

Yes, you need to go on-line and sign in for the program. It is expensive but I think is excellent.

I did and I do not regret at all. Very similar do the Nclex:bow:

[mamut;3257065]Any suggestions please! I think I badly needed one! I already failed my first attempt on NCLEX RN exam...

Responses will be highly appreciated!

Hi mamut,

Since this is your 2nd time, I suggest that you evaluate first your strategy on your first attempt. You sounds like your in a panic and never knew a thing but in fact you have taken the test once. You can find a lot of tips in this site, just be patient to read some post. I find the Random facts thread really very helpful among other books and online review. Good luck to you!!!:wink2:

Let me get to the question that is being asked in the original post. There is no way for you to get the answers to the questions that you had on your exam.

Also the worst thing that you can do for this exam is to memorize questions and their answers, that just will not work. You must understand the material and understand what the exam is looking for in an answer if you want a chance at passing this exam. You can do it.

This exam that you will be getting will not have one question that was on the previous exam. You should prepare as if you have never tested before for this one.

I suggest that you check out the stickies at the top of this forum concerning my program. It may be something that will work for you, but only you can decide.

Honestly I will be starting your program soon. I finally have my focus now. I already have a study plan to complete the first tip of yours..... Thank God!

Thanks to you too!

Specializes in LTC, case mgmt, agency.

]Good luck as you prepare to retake your exam. Like others have said, know the rational to the questions & answers, do not memorize. Glad to hear you are planning to go with Suzanne's Plan :D.


:hngon:]HANG IN THERE!

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