NAU accelerated BSN 2018


Hi everybody! I just turned in my application for the summer 2018 ABSN program and thought I would start this page to see who else is applying. I took the Kaplan a couple days ago and got an 86 overall but a 65 on the science so now I'm a little worried!

Hey there! Whoops I just started a thread for this too, before seeing yours. I think an 86 is great for the overall score! I honestly have no idea what a good score for the science portion is though. I got a 95 overall on the Kaplan but 4 of the 5 points I missed were in the science section. Hopefully they expect that section to be the lowest-scoring... I thought a couple of the questions were pretty ridiculous. Anyways, good luck to you!

Wow that's an amazing score! I don't think it should be a problem if you missed only 4 questions on the science portion. And yeah I agree, a lot of the science questions were very weird! I spent all my time studying A&P and I still did poorly on that section :(

Thanks! Yeah it was weird. I expected the more general questions but some of them were so odd/specific, I never would have known to study for them. Oh well, glad it's over with. I hope we find out about being accepted or not soon! From creeping on past application cycles here, it looks like they found out in early February the past year or two... and mid/late Feb the years before that.

Hi there!

I just applied last week! Fingers crossed!

I just applied a couple weeks ago for this program....I am curious to know if this application cycle is your first time applying or how many cycles it took for others to be accepted? This is my first time applying. All of your guy's scores are really good & I'm anxious to hear back soon

This is my first time applying. I'm not sure how many times previously accepted applicants applied, but I think it really just depends on your scores. They really only take into account pre-req GPA, overall Kaplan score, Kaplan science score, and number of pre-reqs in progress. From what I've heard, those accepted have had GPA's above 3.6 or 3.7 and Kaplan 85+. Not sure about usual science section score? How'd everyone else do?

Yes, that's what I've learned too. Best of luck!

Good luck to you, too!

I've been hoping someone would start a thread for this! Good luck to everyone! I applied this cycle too! I was happy with my overall score of an 87, but I also got a 65 in the science portion so I'm a tad worried :/ I applied last year and didn't get in. My overall score was lower at an 81. My science was the lowest score at a 70 so I studied that section way more this year and I did worse! I would agree that some of the questions were strange.... I'm hoping they look more at the overall score and less at science specific.

Does anyone know or have any current information on the Fall 2018 deadline for this accelerated nursing program NAU? I am not able to find any information online because they still have the Summer application information up. If nobody has current information, does anyone know what the deadline has been in the past for Fall?

Jk it's only once a year....oops!

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