National University San Diego

U.S.A. California


Has anyone had any luck with applying at National University for their nursing program? I applied back in Oct 06 and have been waiting to hear from them. They are supposed to notify in 3 months. I have called and called and written email upon emails with no response really. :banghead: Please, if anyone has applied and received some sort of letter, I would greatly appreciate your reply.


Thats b/c a lot of peeps (me included) are like a 45 min drive frm the school, also the 4 hr gap between classes would be PERFECT to get QUIET studying done. Here I am always at the mercy of my crazy crying monkey child who as I typre is trying to pour milk on my Lap Top, and took a pen to our book on Sunday!

I am slowly reading Chapter 6... Its interesting but a lot of info that is pretty much impossible to memorize: various disorders (depression, dimentia, etc) and their symptoms - I think that's something that comes with experience...

Ch 6? Your getting a head start then? Yeah that is a good idea huh? I am gonna be happy if I finish ch 4 and that useless learning ability test by the 6th. I better figure out a way to get her to leave mommy alone to study b/c I have it in my understanding that locking her up is illegal, and bribing her with cookies has got to have some negative repercussions in the not too distant future. Just trying to study is so frustrating I want to cry. It's ok she is on my lap while I read and type this, I don't have to give full attention, but if I don't pay full attention while I read it really is a waste of my time. I am simply doing the motion of studying while not actually absorbing anything. It just gets me mad.

Ch 6? Your getting a head start then? Yeah that is a good idea huh? I am gonna be happy if I finish ch 4 and that useless learning ability test by the 6th. I better figure out a way to get her to leave mommy alone to study b/c I have it in my understanding that locking her up is illegal, and bribing her with cookies has got to have some negative repercussions in the not too distant future. Just trying to study is so frustrating I want to cry. It's ok she is on my lap while I read and type this, I don't have to give full attention, but if I don't pay full attention while I read it really is a waste of my time. I am simply doing the motion of studying while not actually absorbing anything. It just gets me mad.

The only reason I am reading ahead is because when I looked on the syllabus, it said that for the 1st day of class (monday) we must read Ch1-4, but for the following class (wednesday) you need to read another 4 chapters (Ch 5-8). And I thought to myself: there's no way in hell I can read 4 Chapters in 2 days!! So, I started reading ahead...

What time do you girls want to meet on April 3rd? :)

im fine with any time. just have plans from like 12-1

im fine with any time. just have plans from like 12-1

How about around 2:30-3:00 PM? Is that a good time for ALL of us to avoid traffic on the 15? Not sure how 15-North is at that time....

How about around 2:30-3:00 PM? Is that a good time for ALL of us to avoid traffic on the 15? Not sure how 15-North is at that time....

Or if 2:00 PM is better when it comes to traffic, then I can do at 2 PM....

i can do 2.

and samantha, how old is your daughter? i might have some good tricks to get some study time in. i have a crazy monkey child too :D but knowing her age would definitely help. nikki turned 3 march 14th!

i can do 2.

and samantha, how old is your daughter? i might have some good tricks to get some study time in. i have a crazy monkey child too :D but knowing her age would definitely help. nikki turned 3 march 14th!

I can relate to "crazy monkies" :) I have one at home too! :) He will turn 3 in June... I'm all ears for those tricks, Danielle.... Or do the only involve girls? ;)

2pm is okay with me, but I would have to bring my little demon child with me. Don't get me wrong she behaves better in public than at home. She is almost a 1 1/2 years old. That is so great we all have kids around the same age, talk about things in common! Well then, I better get a move on those other chapters too then!! I am a SLOW reader! goodness gracious!

Well, Samantha, at least your "little demon child" behaves in public. ;) Mine stays... well... possessed!... everywhere.... :):):) I vowed not to take him out until he is at least 8! ;) (, seriously)

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