National University San Diego

U.S.A. California


Has anyone had any luck with applying at National University for their nursing program? I applied back in Oct 06 and have been waiting to hear from them. They are supposed to notify in 3 months. I have called and called and written email upon emails with no response really. :banghead: Please, if anyone has applied and received some sort of letter, I would greatly appreciate your reply.


You are all too cute talking about your kids! I can't wait to have some someday! :rolleyes: The mira mesa idea is perfect! (Sorry I am slow at replying to these things!) 2pm does sound good to me, I believe I'll have to work that night around 4:30. And Samantha you think you're procrastinating? I am at the beginning of chapter 3! My goal is to do what Diana's doing and read ahead buuuut we'll see how that goes...:D

well, so it's a date then, huh? ;) 2:oo pm @ starbucks below:

10720 westview parkway

san diego, ca 92126

oh, and by the way.... i am looking for a temporary flexible (very part time job) to try out and see how i can handle a job and school... if any of you have anyone who needs such workers, i am all ears! (i constantly look on monster, craigslist, etc too)

well, so it's a date then, huh? ;) 2:oo pm @ starbucks below:

10720 westview parkway

san diego, ca 92126

oh, and by the way.... i am looking for a temporary flexible (very part time job) to try out and see how i can handle a job and school... if any of you have anyone who needs such workers, i am all ears! (i constantly look on monster, craigslist, etc too)

i just got this from my bank last week, not sure if it's still available though but it's worth a try:

opening at our hillcrest branch include: part time teller opportunity - job#090011512 10hrs weekly. visit

once again, thanks ladies for such great info. i read this thread constantly. i still have about a year before i can even apply to the nursing program, but the info is still good to know and keep in the back of my head for when the time comes. i will be very interested to hear about how the first week of classes go.

thanks sandiegonurse2bat48 ! what a coincidence! i saw a job posting for this same job yesterday on jobsusa. com or something similar.... and am definitely going to apply there! :) glad our posts are helpful to you :). i'll definitely try to post updates on first weeks of school, when i can... ;)

wow so many posts in one day!

well first of all...i ended up getting schedule to work on friday the 3rd until 3:30 :( so so sorry i am now the odd one out but dont reschedule we will definitely see lots of each other starting soon! secondly, i simply ASKED jill about being in a m/w lab and she put me in one! not in yours diana :( but still thats much better than tues thurs for me, especially since i was off at 3:30 today and didnt get out of the hospital until 4:45! wouldnt work if i had class (and traffic) 5:00.

diana, its not the most GLAMOUROUS job but working in the hospital has giving me lots of experience already, and if you say u want to work one 8 hour shift a week they will so let you (patient hostess at sharp). plus i will get $150 :D lol

Danielle, hook me up, girl! :):smokin:

Glad you were able to switch to a M/W lab easily, Danielle! :) Never dawned on me that all you had to do was.... ask. ;) Good for you ;D

haha i know right? well since that was how i ended up in the april cohort instead of october i thought id give it a try. about the job, i will see if we are still hiring. i am like 90% sure we are since weve had a few people quit. you will just have to be honest with them and dont take on too many days. i cut from 4 down to 3 days (all 8 hour days). but its pretty easy work, be nice to patients and nurses haha. its just very tiring physically! but then again it all depends on where you work (since I am in mary birch i am in whole different hospital than the cafeteria!) so let me know if you want to know more or if you are for sure interested. because they just need lots of people they seem to work around schedules pretty easy. at least it gets you INTO sharp!

Yes, I want to, Danielle. Where do I sign up? I sent you an email earlier asking how I could apply.... did you check?

haha im getting confused...i just emailed you back! ok, lets talk on email :D

haha im getting confused...i just emailed you back! ok, lets talk on email :D

Haha, you are probably getting confused with me. I emailed you about the job as well. Since I'm not in the RN program yet, I will need much more hours than that. But that is why I want a hospital job because when I do get into the program, I want that flexibility that hospitals can offer. Good luck to you ladies:).

Well I am proud to say I finished reading the 4th chapter today. Gosh I am getting to anxious to start!!

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