National University San Diego

U.S.A. California


Has anyone had any luck with applying at National University for their nursing program? I applied back in Oct 06 and have been waiting to hear from them. They are supposed to notify in 3 months. I have called and called and written email upon emails with no response really. :banghead: Please, if anyone has applied and received some sort of letter, I would greatly appreciate your reply.


I also had Fullerton...what a loon and what a completely SELF-TAUGHT class! He gave me a B+ for all 4 classes, Ap1+lab/Ap2+lab. The man is a dinosaur and a horrible teacher. I'm just glad to have made it out of there alive. All I can say that I took away from that experience was that I finished the prereq's fast and was happy to get it over with. Micro, on the other hand with Professor Huda Makhluf was AWESOME!! A, and A- for those.

That's funny, I totally agree. I am in A&P II now, just finished our mid-term before Christmas break. I have Makhluf next class, I also heard that class is a lot better than A&P...

Specializes in PICU, OB/GYN.

First day of school today! Anyone else incredibly nervous? :wink2:

Congrats!!! Do you mind sharing a bit of info with me, I start in April!

Please For The Love Of G*D, learn retain,absorb, the Loop of

Henle,what type of meds of absorbs and ALL functions of the kidneys, what parts absorbs what types of meds! I am at NatU in San Diego and I just started Med Surg I; you will need it from now on. Just hang on to those A&P notes....

Good Luck!!!:clown:

Hey Everyone!

I just joined because it gave me so much information about National University's application/acceptance process. I am very excited to say that I have been accepted into October 2009 cohort! :yeah:Anyone else out there in this cohort???

Well since I know I was so curious during the process I will also share my experience with National....

I applied at the end of August 2008 (trying to make the September 1st deadline so I didn't have to go by the rules of the new application process) and on December 17th I received my acceptance letter! If anyone knows anybody else applying at the same time, it seemed as though they sent the denial letters out almost a month before the acceptance. I have NO IDEA why it takes some 8 months to hear back, especially since I heard back within the time frame they said and I applied at the time they had the highest volume of applicants (or so I heard).

Well, again, I am super excited to finally be accepted into nursing and would love to hear from anyone about nursing school (especially parents, like myself! :redpinkhe) and to know if anyone is in October 2009 cohort!

Specializes in Couplet Care/Newborn Nursery.

So the deadline for Fall 2009 was Sept 2008?

I am finishing up my last 2 prereqs and was thinking about applying to National.

Oh, no! Sorry for the misunderstanding but hopefully this will clear it up for more people. It is just that after September 1, 2008 they changed certain requirements, such as you have to take the TEAS test and the essay is proctored...things like that. So I tried to get my application done before they changed the rules.

National is great because you can apply all year long! They accept four times a year. The thing with National (at least what I think) is don't think too long about sending in your application! You do not have to have your prereqs done before applying. I waited till mine were done...kinda a waste of time. Once you are accepted you usually wont start for a while after you get your letter so you have time to finish off some classes.

Thanks, good luck! :roll

Specializes in PICU, OB/GYN.


its only been a week, but it is intense. It's not so much that the information taught is difficult, but the amount of information is unlike anything I've ever encountered. I study anywhere from 4-6 hours a day, and some days I still don't think it's enough...I suppose I'll find out if it is after the first quiz. :)

I sometimes still can't believe I am in nursing school. I worked so hard to get here, and, here I am. It's a bit surreal at times.

If I could offer any advice, I would say brush up on your medical terminology and abbreviations. Some of the instructors just assume you are well-versed.

Thanks for the info. I am pretty nervous about starting and I know just what you mean about it being surreal. I have been waiting and waiting to finally being accepted into nursing after all the school I've done, and now I am! I wish you the best of luck and just think...soon you will be a nurse :nurse:

Wow, this thread has been going on for awhile. It's been great though! I just got accepted into NU's July 09 cohort. I applied in August, right before they changed everything and I got my acceptance package the week before Christmas. I've heard that with National, the essay means a lot, but I don't know that for sure. They have changed a few things now to apply. You now have to have all of your prereqs done before applying and you have to attend an orientation just like most other nursing programs. The essay is now proctored and timed. Other than that, I'm not sure what changes they've made. Good luck everybody!

Wow, this thread has been going on for awhile. It's been great though! I just got accepted into NU's July 09 cohort. I applied in August, right before they changed everything and I got my acceptance package the week before Christmas. I've heard that with National, the essay means a lot, but I don't know that for sure. They have changed a few things now to apply. You now have to have all of your prereqs done before applying and you have to attend an orientation just like most other nursing programs. The essay is now proctored and timed. Other than that, I'm not sure what changes they've made. Good luck everybody!

Hi. I also received my acceptance letter right before Christmas and was admitted into July 2009 cohort. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Can't believe I will actually start soon... :)

Hello Everyone! I applied in August 2008 and exactly 4 months to the dot I got my acceptance package, yay! I start in the July 2009 cohort. Any fellow July national nursing students out there?? To anyone who has done the orientation, is it an all day thing? And what things do you do there and what are you given? Also, how does the uniform fitting work...i hear they are really expensive! Thank you!:redbeathe

Hello, congrats on the acceptance. I also got accepted into July 2009 cohort. I guess the question now is: will I be attending morning or evening lectures? Maybe that's something they will talk about at the orientation. Did you start working on your immunizations yet?

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