Naroctics diversion...Am I going to prison? Help

Nurses Recovery


Hi everyone. I wish I was on the other side of this situation. However, I got caught diverting drugs from work. I am currently waiting on everything to unfold and guide me through this. I am terrified that I am going to receive prison time for what I have done. I have talked with someone who works with TPAPN(Texas diversion), and he told me that would not happen. Of course, I can't sleep, think, eat. I was honest at work about the situation. And I looked up the flowchart of what is required from a workplace(i.e. pharmacist investigates, notifies DEA, etc,.) I have checked myself into substance abuse center, and I am currently going to AA/NA meetings. I received a letter from TPAPN saying I have been referred. I know my work is different than the board, than TPAPN, and the DEA. My big question...Does going to a peer diversion program keep you from being criminally charged by your work or the DEA/state? I would love to keep my license through all this, but in reality, I know I messed up BIG TIME, but I have a family. I really am learning early on through this how big of a mistake I made, I just hope TPAPN can prevent me from having to go to prison? I imagine each med could be a felony, so 800+meds sounds like an unforgivable offense/50-100years in prison!? I am just praying that God will meet me wherever I am at, and that my fears/anxieties be comforted. Thank you for any advice/comments.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.

Hi whodatme!

Oh my heart hurt reading your post! That was SO me after I was caught diverting meds at work. When I got called in to the DONs office and terminated, I went home terrified! She told me I "could be reported to the DA" but she didn't expect anything to come of it.

I got back home that afternoon - and basically waited for the police cruiser to pull up at my house. I had nightmares almost every night - and panicked every time I heard a car pulling up. (I peeked out the window thru the blinds to see if someone was there.)

Please know we are here - it has been a blessing to come to AN and be able to talk to other recovering nurses! I was so sure that this mistake had ruined my career forever.

We live in Louisiana - our BON has the RNP - recovering nurse program that is similar to the Texas program. Here if u complete their program it doesn't even show up on your license - I don't think. It took me a while to find another nursing job - but while I was looking I took a job as a pizza delivery driver. It helped pay some bills but I realized that I did need that time to not nurse - if that makes any sense.

I entered our state's RNP in 1999, and at times it seemed like it took forever - it was hard at times to remember "one day at a time" I found some strength talking to other RNs and MDs in our local Cadeuses (so) meetings and was finally able to find a nursing job thru fellow recovering members.

Hang in there!

Anne, RNC

Thanks Sissiesmama! I really appreciate you telling your story. It does comfort me knowing that I'm not the only one who has walked this path and it is great to be able to talk about it with fellow nurses. I am continually giving everything over to God. I feel God is showing me and blessing me with so many wonderful things and people. I truly appreciate you writing and I hope God continues to bless your life!

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