My Ultimate Warning based on personal Experience with COVID+ patients and co-workers.


These are the Facts based on nearly 4 weeks of this Pandemic. I have been on the front lines. Read Carefully and heed my warning.

1) If you suffer from Asthma, Lung CA, COPD, and/or other chronic lung disorders, your chances of surviving COVID-19 are slim to none. This virus attacks the lungs hard, if your lungs are already weakened, your already on the losing end of the battle with the virus.

2) If your a chronic smoker, vape, or smoke marijuana, you too, are on the losing ending of this battle.

3) Patients with no past medical history can also get very sick or even die from this virus, I have seen it happen. Why this is is not completely understood at this time, but it could be linked to lifestyle choices if you look at #2 Fact.

4) If your Obese, you likely have a weakened immune system. You also likely suffer from HTN, DM II, CAD, and other chronic health disorders which weaken your immune system. You will likely develop a severe illness from this virus and potentially be put on a ventilator.

5) Many patients who survive and are discharged require oxygen at home. Yes, you will likely need oxygen support when you leave the hospital. For how long? It's not known, but I have seen patients who need an additional 1-2 weeks of O2 support after discharge.

6) Many patients are dying from the virus. Morgues are filled to capacity in the hospital. If your loved one is dead, they are likely in a refrigerated truck.

7) This virus will NOT vanish during the Summer months. If you look at countries with warmer climates like Brazil, Ecuador, Turkey, and Egypt, these countries have large outbreaks. Warm weather can possibly slow down the virus but it won't go away.

9. Many COVID+ patients I have dealt with are getting progressively worse. Very few improve. And many have been in the hospital for more than 2 weeks already.

10) Your healthcare Co-workers will get sick and die from this virus. Many at my facility have gotten sick from this virus and are now patients themselves.

My friends, the danger is very real. This virus shows no mercy. I personally do not think it's worth putting your life in danger for money. A job is replaceable, your life isn't. Think carefully of what you will do next. Will you quit? If you do, I don't blame you. There is little we know about this virus and not enough protection. You are the author of your destiny.

Stay Blessed,

Specializes in Hospice.

I am a 51 year old nurse with asthma, and work in a LTC/short term rehab facility. I tested positive for Covid 19. I am still alive and mostly well. I had one really bad day of extreme head, chest and back pain, fever, chills, with nausea and vomiting. After that, I had fatigue, fever and anosmia. The anosmia disappeared by day 10. I am still experiencing mild fever and fatigue going into day 22, but I am recovering and feel better then I did 3 weeks ago. I also re-tested negative even with continued mild fever. From what I am reading, people with mild symptoms (not hospitalized) may have lingering symptoms. In my state, 95% of all positive patients have recovered. Of course, there are also people who have been hospitalized and/or vented and do not make it out alive. It's important to remember that people do recover from this virus even with underlying medical conditions. I'm so truly sorry for what you have seen and experienced. Please realize there are patients you haven't seen who are recovering at home and are expected to make a full recovery. I am living proof. Stay safe.

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