Published Aug 9, 2005
nursing 101
485 Posts
I go in tomorrow and I can't even review the notes that I jotted down. I feel fine when I don't think about the exam or watch tv. But the minute I realize I have to go in I just start sweating and my stomach hurts. I tried to do questions but it just made more nervous. Well I think I'll just watch tv. :uhoh21:
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Yep, I agree. TV sounds good. Just relax. You will do fine, I am sure!! :balloons: :Melody:
317 Posts
I felt the same way. As long as my mind was occupied, I was feeling fine. The minute I thought about the NCLEX, I got an upset stomach.
Try hard to do something else. OR think about what you will do tomorrow after the exam. That is what I did. I took the subway there and on my way home, got on the wrong subway, had to switch and almost missed my stop! LOL.....I didn't realize how scatter brained I was.
Rest up, get a good breakfast. When you get in there and your first question pops up pretent your taking any other exam. YOu can do this!! You've been studying and you can do it.
Good luck tomorrow!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Just try to stay clam, best of luck to you. :)
74 Posts
Relax (the best you can), don't forget to take deep breaths--or to breathe in general :) , and best of luck to you tomorrow!!
302 Posts
Relax, do something fun, and go to bed EARLY tonight. GOOD LUCK!