My review log for NCLEX-RN exam.

Nursing Students NCLEX


In one to two months I will be taking my exam, this thread is an online log to track my progress.I figure if I do it on my own, it will be most likely to FAIL. So Im here, taking all the risks. I know its hard to do it on my own, so I need some encouragements from everyone here (if possible).

So far, I gathered all the resources I need:

Books: LaCharity, Saunders, Kaplan and (to purchase) NCSBN online review.

Place; I mostly can focus on a not-too-noisy places, Library is one of my fave.

Lastly, to everyone who will be taking taking there exam this coming May or June,

I wish you all luck! :nurse:

In the end, our strong faith to ourselves and the Divine will make us all reach success!

Cheers! :cheers:

Hi all, sorry I haven't updated my log this week.. Will do it later.


July 15//sunday

Liponcott: 26/50 (52%)

July 16//monday

Lipincott: 26/50 (52%)

July 17 (Tues) - July 19(thurs)

Saunders: contents (psyche)

Post test qs: 66%


LipincotT:26/50 (52%)

Im thinking about changing my study plan.

I keep getting 50% to 60% on questions, I'll go over with my basic concepts again for next week.

16 more days to go before my att comes!..

:crying2: I am extremely sad my family will be having lots of fun (bbq, waterslide,parade, camp out) for the weekends and I am stuck at home reviewing!! of course I have a choice to join them but how could I?? My 3 weeks ncsbn is almost up and I have a lot more to cover. ugh!!! I just wish all the hard work pays off.. :bugeyes:

Same here, everyone's going out for the summer and im stuck either at work or at barnes and nobles.

Take a day off out from studying, it wouldnt hurt to relax your mind for a while. :)

Specializes in Peds.

Today my weekend off, first time taking weekend off. My daughter bday weekend :)

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

Oops, ok, I will go back and reply to some of you with questions, but just wanted to say I officially passed! CA's BRN finally posted my license 7 days after my test! The Pearson Vue Trick works!

Good luck to everyone studying and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your encouragement and support. This thread was what kicked me into study mode and it carried me through this stressful time!

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

mcunanan, I really liked NCSBN's review because it was a good overview of everything and came with a study plan that was all set up for me. The exam was not worse than any test I had ever taken in nursing school, and I just tried to take my time and think really carefully about each question. I also sat in a corner and used the earplugs they offer (if you ask) so I wasn't able to hear or think about anyone else taking the test.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.
Sandyfeet, Congrad, what % were you getting in NCSBN?

I was getting 60-70% for a lot of things. I tried not to stress about it even though it says to aim for 80% because I was just out of time and I literally had to pass to keep my position at work.

Hello again guys.!

It's finally official, I passed my exam.. :w00t:

Thanks everyone, specially one1morestep and mcunanan for the encouragement and supporting me all the way. :D

Specializes in Peds.

Sandyfeet, I start ncsbn today. I'll keep you update with scores, so 60-70% ok, :)

Specializes in Peds.

Yah to all new nurses who passed !!!

Congrats lanztar! :cheers:

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