Published Sep 4, 2005
97 Posts
Ive been on day shift for 2 weeks and now monday night is my first night shift and im a little nervouse is there andy thing special i should do to get ready for it......and nurses on nights with advice will be helpful thanks
2,836 Posts
I work part-time night shift and I always seem to do better if I take a caffeine pill just before I leave for work. Good luck.
421 Posts
i dont think there's a way to prepare for nightshift, occasionally i would do a night shift in our icu unit to get some overtime and the only way i could stay awake is if i keep walking around and talking with my coworkers, i wouldn't read lol that surely would put u to sleep.
i slept today for 3 hours and im going to try to stay awake for as long as i can tonight so i will sleep more tomorrow afternoon thats what a few people i work with suggested
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
How did your first night shift go? Are you able to sleep during the day?
I worked nights for years. The worst thing you can do to a patient is turn their overbed light on in the middle of the night. You need a flashlight in your pockets. For years I had one that took two "C" size batteries and it fit perfectly in my pocket, but I haven't seen those around in years. The 6-inch mag lights are pretty good--they fit in your pocket and in a pinch you can hold them in your mouth so your hands are free to do something with a patient. Don't shine the flashlight directly in their eyes either. Focus it more on their chest. If the light is bright enough you'll be able to see their face.
Wake a patient by calling their name softly and then progressively louder until they hear you. Don't touch them when they are sleeping unless you are prepared for a surprise slap or a punch.
Walk carefully around sleeping patients so as not to trip over something or make a noise that will wake them up. Check your patients frequently to make sure they are breathing OK.
Anytime you have a suspicion that something may not be right (this happened to me a lot in the quiet of the night), get thy butt off thy chair and make a quick round of the patients. I have stories I could tell you of falls that got averted or patients who were about to code who I found based on my 6th sense.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,690 Posts
That's what I had to do. I stayed awake through the night before I had to start a night shift and sleep during the day as much as possible. Often I kept the same pattern, staying up all night. Didn't work out well when my spouse got a day job.
Good luck.
76 Posts
I work a .8 nights which in my case means that I work 8 nights on in a row and then have 6 days off; works great for me and my very busy family. when my first night is upon me I try to get up early that morning and then take a nap in the evening right before I go to work ( usually a couple of hours works well) then I am fine to stay up all night. I think the 2nd night is actually worse because of the switch but if you stay busy and for heavens don't try to read a book on break you will probably find out that you'll do fine. I actually really enjoy nights. I work on an Oncology unit and find that it's the nights that I actually get to talk to my patients and when they seem to share things about their life......very rewarding.
anyway just my 2cents.
187 Posts
I take Melatonin (found in Wlagreen's pharmacy) after I get home. It makes you go to sleep- not to where you're groggy when you wake up- and it doesn't make you sleep too long, either.
174 Posts
I would try and stay up as long as I could the night before (unfortunately that would only last until midnight or 1am)...then I would wake up early...get some things done in the morning, and then take a nap in the afternoon...try and put some dark towels up on the windows to really block the sunlight from getting in. I found that really helped me.
P.S. and if you find that you are REALLY tired on the way home from work (if you have a long commute) have a soda or breakfast with you...something to keep you awake at least a little while longer.
just an update really loving nights!!! i woke up early my first daty and took a nap right before for like 2 hours and i was good to go ....i wadnt even tired i work 3 in a row and by the third i was getting sleepy but not to the point that im passing out just my body was tired......i sleep during the day afterwards from 8 am til about 2 i wake up eat and sometimes take another nap til like 5 then i get ready......i like 3 in a row cause i have 4 off sometimes 5 days before i go back....the nights is better its calmer still busy but not like days busy and its sooooo much easier to get the docs and to really figure out whats going on when a pt is going bad.....i get to read my harts and figure out my pts history as well as whats happening now......i also get to learn new skills like ivs on days it was impossible because doc want things done now and its hard to take the time to learn it and not be scare to death with people breathing down ure neck im actually getting my sticks because i have the time and patience to do it......i also work on an oncology floor and i love actually taking the time to get to know my pt and thier families its true that alot of pts seem to pass on during nights but i get to be involved in a special time in a persons life when they r the most vulnerable and the families see that and really appreiate it......i dont know if nights will be a forever thing because it is hard on my fiane because we r on 2 seperate schedules but its working right now and im having fun i ammmm noooott a morning person and i love going in at 6pm because i dont ever feel tired....just wanted to update everyone thnx for ure tips feel free to share more
:chuckle Congratulations NurseNicoleRN :balloons: I am so glad to hear that nights are working out for you! I sure do love working nights too. :)