My fear of nursing


Im a young male in my 20s and been thinking hard about either nursing or education

Nursing has alot of jobs and seems you can almost find a job anywhere in the US I work in IT now and have to leave this career ASAP. I want to help people and be happy while doing that

BUT....... the thing that turns me off about nursing is having to work 3rd shift

i work 3rd shift now and my body hasnt even adjusted to it even after almost one yr...I have been struggling to sleep and it just doesnt help (headaches, being upset etc arent worth it)

Have you ever had to work 3rd shift

What do you think? Is this a justifiable fear

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

I think any one who has been around awhile has worked the 3rd shift. It can be tough on you, especially if it does not match your personal body rhythm. Nursing is a great job. Lots of jobs and we do teach a lot. But, there are many nursing jobs out there that are NOT 3rd shift...something to keep very much in mind.

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

I agree with thunderwolf. Besides, you could always start 3rd shift and as soon as a day shift opening is available, apply. Good luck

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Not everyone is cut out for third shift. Not all nurses have to work 3rd shift.

Don't let that fear hold you back from your goal.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

i agree, don't let the fear of third shift stop you!! I have been in nursing (as a CNA) for 18 years and only worked night shift for about a year (I was young then) and it didn't bother me much. I NEVER plan to work night shift when I am finished with school. I am married and have 2 children aged 3 and 7 and working nights just wouldn't work. There are sooooo many different areas that you can go into as a nurse. A lot of places (esc. nursing homes) are now offering LPNs a Mon-Fri job with NO weekends!! They are using agency staff on weekends. Do you mind working 2nd shift?? Second shift is actually the hardest for places to fill and second shift pays more in most places because a lot of people don't like it. Good Luck!!

Specializes in SRNA.

Why don't you just work day shift? Not hard to find day shift gigs - at least in the cities.


Im a young male in my 20s and been thinking hard about either nursing or education

Nursing has alot of jobs and seems you can almost find a job anywhere in the US I work in IT now and have to leave this career ASAP. I want to help people and be happy while doing that

BUT....... the thing that turns me off about nursing is having to work 3rd shift

i work 3rd shift now and my body hasnt even adjusted to it even after almost one yr...I have been struggling to sleep and it just doesnt help (headaches, being upset etc arent worth it)

Have you ever had to work 3rd shift

What do you think? Is this a justifiable fear

You have to take your knocks at first to get experience but after you have a few years under your belt the sky is the limit. Then assert yourself and demand what you want. Remember, supply and demand, we are in demand. But do not forget what is most important, patient nurse relationship

ive worked full time nights for the last 5 years and i dont mind them. they pay the bills and you get to avoid alot of the crap that happens during the day

Specializes in Psych, Informatics, Biostatistics.

I just switched back into floor nursing. I work 12 hours 7 p to 7a. It seems pretty good to me. I am off till next Tuesday. I like the fact that there is not as much politics.

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