Published Sep 2, 2006
36 Posts
For all of u mommies out there.....with children, especially when they're young what's the best work routine (nights, days, weekends, alternating days, and etc)? :confused:
Hubby is a resident so he's gone on days, from 6am-6pm so just doing some planning b/c we would LOVE to be parents one day soon :1luvu:(hopefully) .....due to the HIGH cost of living here we need dual incomes for now. I was thinking of working nights (either 11pm-7am or 7p-7a) so that hubby can be with baby rather than rely on others while I'm at work (inlaws....they are great, but rather not overwhelm with this as they're already helping SIL w/ her baby). Also, maybe it's best to work alternating days b/c it looks like I won't be getting much sleep so 1 on and 1 off .
I sure would appreciate all of your input and help as I value all of your own experiences.
Thanks much!!!
Blee O'Myacin, BSN, RN
721 Posts
When will you sleep? If you have a baby, he or she will eventually sleep all night and need an awake, alert adult home caring for him/her during the day.
I have older children and its rough to get the sleep I need and they are able to fend for themselves for a few hours at a time. They know when to come get me and, more importantly, NOT to come get me!
After 2 years of night shift, I am leaving my position and found one which is day shift only. My kids are in school during the day, so I am going to have a sitter cover the afternoon/evening part of my shift.
Weekends may be an option for you. When a friend of mine had babies, she worked Baylor (weekend nights) and that worked out. Her husband was able to take over with the children while she slept and worked, they rarely needed a sitter, and the children didn't have to depend on a sleep deprived adult (more than the usual having young children sleep-deprived!)
I found that while nursing offers flexibilty in theory, its usually more of a chaotic mess masquerading as flexibility. With rotating schedules, you never rarely work the same days per week, which makes things tough if the new schedule comes out the day it starts (especially when you are working that first night shift and need to scramble for a sitter).
It also helps if you have a manager who is understanding in these matters.
For all of u mommies out there.....with children, especially when they're young what's the best work routine (nights, days, weekends, alternating days, and etc)? :confused:Hubby is a resident so he's gone on days, from 6am-6pm so just doing some planning b/c we would LOVE to be parents one day soon :1luvu:(hopefully) .....due to the HIGH cost of living here we need dual incomes for now. I was thinking of working nights (either 11pm-7am or 7p-7a) so that hubby can be with baby rather than rely on others while I'm at work (inlaws....they are great, but rather not overwhelm with this as they're already helping SIL w/ her baby). Also, maybe it's best to work alternating days b/c it looks like I won't be getting much sleep so 1 on and 1 off .I sure would appreciate all of your input and help as I value all of your own experiences.Thanks much!!!
Thank you Blee for your reply......haven't figured out who would care for my baby while I'm sleeping during the day after working all night......I sure did not expect to ask MIL for help......I have help at night when I'm at work, but now the question is how will I get to sleep, right? Hmmmm...........
maybe I'll be the next millionaire LOTTO winner and not need to work!!!:roll
20,964 Posts
Go perdiem. That is what I had to do. It's just not easy balancing career and childrearing and SOMEONE needs to be home, esp when the baby is sick! If you are planning to use daycare even, you will probably be "the one" who has to deal with all this (child illnesses, dental/dr appts, etc.). I can relate cause my dh was military and my career was and has been backburner due to this---the military always came first.
IMO Perdiem is the way to go......that way, you can work when you are ABLE and plan your life better.
Thank u BluEyes for ur advice......per diem sounds good to me......
BluEyes, what shift would u advise....nights or days for a mum w/ youngins at home? My dh is gone from 6am-6pm so I was thinking nights? and weekend nights even better? He's a resident so still there's oncall and on his "off time" there alot of studying to do.....our schedules should be more stable when he's done w/ residency I'm sure. He's Air Force so we're military too. Your input is greatly appreciated....thank you.
126 Posts
Why even worry about it? Unless hes a family medicine resident he will make plenty as an attending to support the both of you. Just wait till hes an attending and fuhget abawt it.
SitcomNurse, BSN, MSN, EdD, RN
273 Posts
My husband has his own company, but he still needs to report to work for his employees to work. I work nights, now that the kids are 20 mos & 6 years, becuase there arent that many nighttime emergencies at home anymore. When the little ones are in that first year, Per-Diem is def. the way to go. Or finding a job that you can do just on weekends, or just on his days off. There are plenty of agencies that will take you too, as weekend and holiday fill in. Agencies can get you shift work on a nursing home, or home care offers a bit too, with the new state of thinking..... Wound care, kids at home with disabilities, hospice,..etc. The feild is wide open and you can do anything with it, if that is what you really want!!
good luck!
246 Posts
Can new grad nurses work per diem??
503 Posts
Maybe you could do homecare nursing? It's very flexible and you can do anywhere from 4 hours to 16 hours in one's good for mom's /Dad's who need alot of flexibilty.
I have nurses who care for my child in my home...some do 5 hour blocks, some do 10 hour blocks..........and all of them have other jobs is a school nurse by day, & works at my house 3 nights a week from 5-10pm, another works with mr adults, she works 7-5 one day and 2-8 on another...............It is very flexible...and all these nurses have been with us for years because they love coming to work at my house.. Could that be an option for you????? The great thing about it is you get to do 1 on 1 with your patient because that's all you have is one..unless you are in the group home setting with adults, but then there's usually more than one nurse on duty too....and I think the most residents are like 5 it's not bad and there are also aides & stuff too so you aren't running crazy unless someone is really sick that needs alot of attention.......