Moving before I take the NCLEX....HELP!


Specializes in OB.

I am in my last semester of a ADN program. I will be moving as soon as I graduate in December because my husband is being transfered. My question to all of you is......Has anyone taken the NCLEX in a different state than they went to school in? And how do I go about doing this? My instructors are being as helpful as they can, but they have never had this situation before.

Help me please:o

Hey, good question!!! I too may be moving before I take NCLEX. Wish I could help. Check with your board of nursing or their website and see what they say. This is what the NC board of nursing says:

"You need a NCS Pearson NCLEX Candidate Bulletin that includes a Registration form, an Application for Licensure by Examination form and a fingerprint card with an Authority for Release of Information form. Follow the directions for completing all forms carefully and return the form with the correct fee as directed. In-state graduates will have a verification form sent to us from their Dean of Nursing. For individuals outside the state, please request that an official transcript, which includes the date that you graduated from your program, be sent to the Board of Nursing directly. The transcript will be reviewed to ensure that your nursing program is substantially equivalent to the approved nursing programs in North Carolina. Course descriptions or syllabi may be necessary to interpret the content of the courses."

Good luck and sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Specializes in OB.

I did contact the board of Nursing in the state I am moving to, but all they said is that the school needs to be an acredited program. They didn't tell me how to go about doing anything. I will be contacting them again after I talk with the director of my nusing program, but I just wanted to know if anyone had any experience doing this.


You can take the NCLEX any place you want. I graduated in May from a school in Arizona. When I scheduled my appt for NCLEX, I chose a testing center in California (because the weather is cooler this time of year). I am licenced in AZ.

Specializes in OB.

I know that you can take the NCLEX anywhere in the country, but I don't want to be licenced in the state I went to school in because I am not goint to live there.

Do I have to be licenced in the state I went to school in first and then transefer my licence to the state that I will be practicing in?

rpbear, maybe i can help answer your question. I am licensed in the state i went to school in, but several of my peers were not. everyone, no matter where you went to school or are residing has to register with the National council state board of nursing (NCSBN) for a fee of $200. You must also register for the state in which you wish to practice nursing. It does not matter where you went to school. Many of the students at my college lived in NJ, NY but went to school in DE. You only need one license and that is where you want to practice. So when it comes time to fillout the state application, contact the state in which you want to practice. Hope this helps and good luck !


Specializes in OB.

Thanks Chrislynn2003,

I figured that there were other people out there that did this. I will contact the state I am moving to so I know exactly what I need to do.

Computer messed up..........see post below :)


I wish you lots of luck with your move. I would like to give you some advise though.....I cannot stress this enough, get settled into your new digs before you test. You won't be stressed with all the moving boxes on top of the exam. Maintain a positive attitude and keep your stress to a min., I moved right after graduation with two kids and was not a pleasant experience. If your head is some what clear, your house is in order and you stay focused, it will be a much easier experience. You'll do fine, I wish you luck in your new adventure. Good thing about nursing, you can go anywhere with it! Hope you were able to get the info you needed from the state your moving to. New Mexico is beautiful, have an Aunt that lives there..... you'll love it!!!

O....I went to school with two people who moved to another state, one of them test here and asked for reprocity in the other state. The other received an offical letter and transcript from our director of the ADN program and tested in the state he moved to. Best bet would be to find out what kind of documentation N.M req. then have your program sent it to the BON in New Mexico.

Good luck!

Do not worry!! I graduated in Ohio and took my test in Virginia, I am licensed in Virginia. I had no problem. Do not forget the test is a national exam. Good luck.

Specializes in OB.

Thank You everyone for your reply,

I don't plan on testing until about two months after the move, that should give me plenty of time to get settled and get my head into it.


Specializes in Behavioral Health.

Hi there,

I moved across country 2 weeks after graduation. All I did was call the state board of nursing where I was moving to and requested their application packet. In it was a form that I had to have the dean of the nursing program sign and put the official school seal on it. The rest of the stuff was pretty standard. It wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it would be.

Best wishes to you!

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