Monthly Nurse magazines?

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Dialysis.

Does anyone subscribe? What titles are out there? I'm interested...

try or just google nurse magazines also try

Read them in your school library.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

I don't subscribe to anything like AJN, though I did once subscribe to Nursing 2009 (though back then it was Nursing 2003 ;)). I'm a member of AWHONN, and with that membership comes a subscription to JOGNN as well as Nursing for Women's Health.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

I get several...

I like Nursing 2009, American Journal of Nursing (AJN) and Nursing Made Incredibly Easy. I also get RN, but I'm not crazy about it and I probably won't renew.

It seems also that every nursing specialty has a peer-reviewed monthly or quarterly publication. The poster who suggested a search on has a good idea... you'll find many!

Good luck.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Home Health.

I found a couple of FREE ones online, but I cant remember what websites. I love searching online for free stuff. lol. But I absolultey LOVE the Nursing 2009 and AJN. Both are awesome magazines.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

I take Nursing 2009 and Journal of Emergency Nursing.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Home Health.

My favorite one is Nursing Made Incredibly Easy. :yeah:

I also receive Nursing 2009 and AJN. They are both great as well.

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