Montefiore School of Nursing Jan 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi, I applied to Montefiore School of Nursing, in Mount Vernon New York for the January 2015 term! I was wondering if anyone else has applied yet!!! I submitted all required documents and application and am just waiting to see if I am invited to take the TEAS!!!

Good luck to all that have applied!!!

Hi Heidiesp1234 don't lose faith! I went to the open house on Thursday and they said they are accepting 40 people for January 2015! If you have not received a denial...don't count yourself out!!! BE POSITIVE! At the open house, they did say that they are no longer doing the TEAS (like our proctor said at our exam date). If you happen to not get accepted, you should really apply again to MSON again and take the Kaplan exam. The Kaplan Exam is very new compared to the TEAS. If you take the Kaplan for the day program for the Fall 2015, you will be MSON first cohort to take the Kaplan, so there will be no past students to be compared to! All the best...and don't be negative!

Wow thanks for telling me. Yes, Ill be positive thanks for the encouragement. Did you celebrate?

Heidiesp1234- no problem! I think they said the deadline for Fall 2015 applications are March 27th! I framed my acceptance letter haha! I have been preparing to get accepted into nursing school for what seems like forever. I think the extent to my celebration was getting all of the health clearance forms filled out haha! Do you live in Westchester? You should also apply to Cochran (Kaplan), Rockland Community College (Pre-NCLEX RN Exam), Beth Isreal Hospital (Pre-NCLEX RN Exam). These are all accredited schools by both state and ACEN accredited!

Aww that is adorable lol. I live in the Bronx but I am willing to travel. I will look into those schools. I thin its great that they are accepting an extra 40 students to the school. I hope to be one of those, my GPA is good. It was the test that got me nervous.

Hi Heidiesp1234,

I got an 80 on the Teas exam, stay positive I only heard a handful of people were accepted so far so you still have a shot. Also, La_Enfermera is correct about the Kaplan exam and being the first Cohort. I took the Kaplan exam for Cochran and was accepted there too, to me the Kaplan exam seemed way easier. Stay positive.


No I don't think we spoke, I was at the other end of the hallway talking to a really tall guy about the exam and the methods we used for studying. I haven't gone to an open house, they are always scheduled on days I have class! :( I've taken my physical already so all I have to do are the immunizations and titers, I swear the took like a liter of blood from me! I hate getting the flu vaccine, I always end up with the flu. LOL You ordered your uniform 3 weeks ago? When did you get your acceptance? Also does Monte offer the CPR certification class? Sorry for all the questions, I just feel a little anxious to get the package and see what I have to do to be on track. I live in Northern part of the Bronx so I'm actually just a few minutes away from Monte. So far you are the only person I know who was accepted. I've finished all my pre reqs except Microbiology which I am currently taking now at WCC. How about you?

badcooliebwoy- there was a guy I was talking to that also took the Kaplan at Cochran and was taking pre reqs at wcc haha!!! yea you are the only other person I know as well that was accepted! I got accepted about 3 weeks ago I think. I had to get the flu vaccine before I knew I was accepted for my volunteer position, it hurt so bad! the nurse who gave it to me TOLD me when she was going to put it in which made me tense and actually PUSHED out the needle OUCHHH!!! haha. noooooo your questions are fine! I love this site for that reason...everyone can share info and im happy to meet people before we actually go to the orientation! so the package that you are getting in the mail is going to have a HUGEEEE health clearance form. you need titers for chicken pox, MMR, hep b (antibody and antigen) and hep c. You need to get a TB skin check, flu shot, and fill out a form to be cleared to wear some type of medical mask. then you need to fill out the form to order your uniform through Cintas...order it ASAP because like I said I have no idea where mine is :( I may call Cintas on Monday to make sure my package wasn't lost! I think my uniform cost $78. but I still need to buy the shoes, maybe I will go to life uniform in yonkers to buy those. we also need a stethoscope and a pen light. The CPR certification is in the packet as well, they give you a list of courses you can take, Monte doesn't offer it but they have a list of people that teach it, I think its likes $85. I emailed one lady but never heard back so I might start emailing other people to register.

I still have to take English II. I might go to Montefiore this week and get clearance to take it online at WCC this January. I went to the open house and they gave us what our schedule is going to look like!

Lecture is Tuesday- 6pm-8pm

Wednesday- 6pm-10pm

Lab (you pick a time) either Tuesday 4pm-6pm

Tuesday 8pm-10pm

(and I think the other option is Thursday 6pm-8pm)

Clinical is every Saturday 6:45am-4pm (there will be 2-3 times throughout each semester that we will not have clinical on Saturdays but have it during the week instead).

At the open house we where able to see the lab rooms...they where really cool! I went into one lab where there where 3/4 hospital beds with those fake simulator mannequins! I saw a nursing two student doing a mock tracheotomy! so exciting!

Oh and we also have to go into Montefiore and show them our passport, we cant send in a photocopy, I guess to show citizenship.

Oh and a woman from Mercy College came in as well and was explaining that we can take two classes while in Monte towards our BSN, and if we get hired at Monte after graduation they pay 100% tution for us to get our BSN!!!!

hi heidiesp1234- yea the test is very nerve wrecking! I think any test makes me crazy!!! just keep the faith but also look into the Kaplan exam and those other schools as well!!! don't give up :)

Okay guys, thank you for the encouragement. I pray and hope to be along with you guys. And once again congrats!

I wilk, thanks for the love. ❤️


Maybe I did speak to you and I don't remember? I was the short guy with the spiky hair (For lack of a better description) If not I guess its just a coincidence. Wow, I have so much to do based on what you are telling me! I'm excited and nervous, I hope other accepted students find this forum so we can all chat and get to know each other. From what I hear Monte is a really close knit family, and I like that aspect. Wow they accepted you really early I thought they weren't sending out acceptances till November, lucky you!

I think I may do lab after lecture rather than come in for an extra day just for lab, I'm excited to start!

Thanks so much for all the info and help. Oh and my friend is taking English II at WCC online right now and she says its ALOT of work and paper writing. Not trying to scare you, just want you to be prepared, I'll find out what professor she has and let you know. :)


I was speaking with a guy, but I was sitting next to him before taking the exam, so it probably wasn't you. But its so funny because he applied to Cochran and was taking WCC classes as well. Yes let me know please who she is taking for English II!

The packet seems like a lot but once you read through it a few times its really manageable! When you give in your $200 deposit you will also get your moodle username and password!

I know I am so excited to start, especially do clinicals! I was reading past boards on here from previous students and from what they say, the love this school!

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