Nurses Recovery


Specializes in CCU.

Hey guys. I am a RN of 10 years working in ICUs across the country. My last job was in med-telemetry. I was reported to HR for not scanning narcotics in the EMR as well as giving too many during a shift without documenting them correctly. I was accused of drug abuse, drug diversion, and not administering narcotics correctly and appropriately. I took a drug screen and was negative, but can't prove I did not divert them. I was ultimately fired and reported to the board. I did self report but now am trying to weigh my options. I know I didn't take anything or have abuse issues, but the program in my state would allow me to do the voluntary monitoring program where I would be monitored 3-5 years but I would have to admit to having a problem. However my license would be safe. Otherwise, I can fight for my innocence and go the investigative route, and have them discipline me accordingly. I just would hate to have my license suspended/or restricted, even encumbered. I would like to start school in the near year or so, and would hate for this to restrict me in any way. Im just trying to weigh my options. Please HELP!! 

I would never admit to having a substance abuse issue if I didn’t. In Michigan our monitoring program use to protect you if you self reported, not the case now, you’ll have actions on your license even if you are 100% compliant with monitoring. More states are changing their tune with this especially opioids. I’d get a lawyer and deal with the investigator. You’ll still have to tell future employers your in a monitoring program and lots of places won’t hire you b/c of that. Best of luck! We’re here for you! 

As someone who DID divert I would never go into monitoring unless I had a problem.


if I were you I’d hire a lawyer and fight it every step of the way.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Women's Health, LTC.

Get a lawyer! STAT!

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