Monday July 20 Nclex takers...pleaase help!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


I would like to say thank you to everyone in the forum about the advices and different views about the Nclex exam...I'm taking mine this monday July 20 th. I would like to ask anyone here to pray for me and for evryone who's going to take this Big exam.. I feel like I still have a lot of stuffs to go over. What can you do in this case?


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
:yeah::yeah:ill also take the exam on all those who has and will read this thread please include us in your prayers so that God will be able to guide us on our exam...thank you all and congratulations in advance..:yeah::yeah:

i will be taking mine too on july 20 and it seems that i forgot most of the things that i read, but the best that we can do is to pray for God's grace to help us remember what we did study... pls include us in our prayers too, thanks to all... God bless!:)

Specializes in L&D.

I take it Monday at 8am! Yes, please keep us in your prayers and good luck to everyone!

I guess I feel ready. I got 70% on the last question trainer and am spending the weekend reviewing the Kaplan content book, lab values and the decision tree, and trying to relax!

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