Published Jun 16, 2014
53 Posts
I posted this in another forum and here is the question....What about missing events at your kids school like class parties and field trips because you have to be at your school all day? How does this work out? Does it bother you? I have an opportunity to work at a school but could not send my kids to the school with me...there are no benefits to the job such as sick or vacation I really could not take off unless absolutely necessary....but I wouldn't miss any after school events! Pay is also horrible but I really want to take the job., I've subbed and know I'll love it!
100kids, BSN, RN
878 Posts
I have 2 personal days per school year. I use these (usually as 4 half days) to attend events at my childrens' schools. I don't make everything like I did when I was at home but I am honest with my kids about it and I make some thing for each every year. If you are going to need some days to do things like this talk to administration about it before you accept the job.
123 Posts
You mean like any other job?
AmyRN303, BSN, RN
732 Posts
I'm not a school nurse, but as of this fall I will be working full time. I will miss out on field trips, though I'm hoping to be able to schedule at least one per child (4) with our scheduling. I'm also working 12 hour NOC shifts so we will have to see. If you're interested in the job, I'd take it. The circumstances would likely be similar in any other nursing position. Plus, you'll have your summers free for your own field trips. :)
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
I have 8 sick/personal days during the year (same as teachers). I don't have kids, but most of the staff here with kids will use one or half a personal day for activities at their own child's school. But most of them tell me they are too tired from running the field trips here to help with the field trips at their kid's school, lol. The summer can be a choose-your-own adventure with your family and if your kids know that off front, it could be fine. Because, really, aside from that the schedule for a school nurse is awesome :).
This is part time hourly no benefits...only get paid when schools in session. I would need supplemental income
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,678 Posts
I get paid parallel to the teachers....15 sick days (3 personal within those) If I need time off it is either a personal day or medical day (if it is a medical appt)
I was lucky enough to be in my sons school from when I started so I was there while he was in 7-12th was sweet to be able to go to work/school together
I wish this job had's rare to find school nurse jobs in my area so I should take it while I can, but at the same time I'm bit sure it's financially a good idea., a huge paycut and no benefits