Midwestern university srna class of 2016

Nursing Students SRNA


Has anyone applied to midwestern university crna program? can anyone give hints on the program's interview experience for the class of 2015 that just started? Thanks.

Are those that are applying right now or being interviewed right now applying for a 2019 or 2018 start? I'm assuming they start in the fall? Thanks in advance

June 2018 start

Hi Rainier09,

Hows your application going? Did you interview already

Yes! I interviewed and was accepted yesterday!!! :)

Congratulations Rainier09!

Thank you! I can't private message... but I'm from Seattle area :) So exciting!

I interviewed on July 12 and received a call an hour later that I got accepted. I am very excited but also nervous. Is there a facebook page where all students starting June 2018 can communicate before the start of classes?

My interview was pretty much similar to those who posted earlier. I was asked about Atropine, how it works. I was asked to describe the autonomic nervous system and all the receptors involved in both the PNS and SNS. I was also asked about preload and afterload. Then they asked some ethical questions . Goodluck to those who will be interviewing soon. Just be yourself and with some basic critical care knowledge , you should be fine.

Anyone knows someone who graduated from the program? I'm curious of how often will we be travelling for rotations and how many different States would they send us to?

I don't think there is yet but we should make one? Might be nice to communicate.... especially if people want to try to organize housing together for those who are coming down without a family.

Hey, those admitted to Class of 2020... PM me your email addresses and I will add you to the facebook group I am making :)

Can't pm :(

Also from Seattle area

Ok, search facebook for "Midwestern University CRNA Class of 2020" under groups and request to be added! I had to add someone in order to publish the group so I just added my dad for now haha.

I sent a request to join the group, please add me. My facebook name is "Dora Ema". Thanks

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