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About blongor

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  1. I graduated in May (BSN) with a science GPA 3.7 and a nursing school GPA 3.44. I went to a top-rated nursing school, and got a nurse residency position at the #4 CTICU in the country (32 bed: ECMO,...
  2. Duke 2014 Nurse Residency Program

    Hey DjgRN, I'm staring at 7W on Aug 25th too! Congrats on getting the position. I'm moving from out of state and trying to find a place in the area, have you had any luck or are you still looking for...
  3. I am graduating from nursing school in May with my BSN. There's a chance I can work for the University Hospital and get some tuition payed back, and I know I need ICU experience for CRNA school. It...
  4. I am currently finishing my junior year in my BSN program. Many of the students in my class are going for externships and tech jobs this summer, and my question is this: because my end goal is to...
  5. Mandatory flu shots????

    I know. It's the CDC, a far more reliable source for actual research-based information. OSHA works with the legal implications of mandatory industry standards; if you want information on the research...
  6. Mandatory flu shots????

    Vaccines: Spec-Grps/Healthcare
  7. Alright, well it honestly is my dream to become a CRNA. I cannot wait for the day when I get that acceptance letter. You've helped me out a lot, and I think the AA path would be settling for me....
  8. Mandatory flu shots????

    If this is honestly your biggest hesitation to you education, do us all a favor and don't become a
  9. Mandatory flu shots????

    I don't mean to be rude, but the flu shot is really not even for your benefit. It is for the patients. We work in areas where people are incredibly compromised (at least most of us do at some point)...
  10. A&P 1 help!!

    Hey! Well great so far, sounds like you've been on top of it! I agree with the above comments, but when I took A&P I found that the best way to study was to do it separately. I KNOW, that sounds...
  11. Is that your overall GPA from undergrad, or only the nursing school aspect? Also, in your opinion, is any type of ICU more advantageous to have experience in that another? I know the general rules of...
  12. Thanks for the advice, wtbcrna. May I ask you what you do? Any experience in anesthesia? I understand that the AA path is uncertain, but I feel that my chances of getting into CRNA school are too. I...
  13. I am currently a student at Emory University in the BSN program. I have a year left, and ultimately I want to become a CRNA. That means that after graduation I will need to find an ICU job, sign a two...