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About StarOcean318

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  1. Nursing Isn't our place?

    HI I'm David 19y.o. and really wanting to go into nursing. I'm currently taking a CNA course w/ some pre classes. I'm finaly in my clinical part of my CNA class. On the first day of clinical we were told to help the residents with breakfast. After he...
  2. What Keeps you motivated?

    I wanted to ask .. What keeps you motivated and keeps you wanting to do nursing? idk Sometimes i just feel that its not worth it or its not for me. Anyone want to give me some insight ~David A.
  3. Are your fellow classmates really serious about nursing?

    Idk .... but i am! Some of the girls in my class just have no clue what there doing but they say they want to become nurses ... lol ~David
  4. ***Chemistry - Fall 2005***

    Yup im taking Health Chem. and I love it i have a awsome teacher. It gets hard at times tho :uhoh21: ~David
  5. Could some guys help me out? Am I making the right choice? :D

    I have tryed to look for a CNA or and NA job but they all say that I need to be out of high school or have my CNA I cant find a darn class i really want to become a CNA to "test the waters" any insight on this topic any and all plz!! thanks -David A....
  6. Hi im David! :) Im Senior in high school and im really looking into going into the nursing field. Are there any guys out there who would want to give me there story how they got into nursing? Also how do you like it? Another thing a lot of people rea...