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About Amanda.S

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  1. Got a 92% on HESI exam!!

    Congrats on your HESI score..that is great! What school are you going to? A&P II and micro keep one busy wouldn't you say? We get our "unknowns" next Tuesday...blech...I am not looking forward to that. We rushed through learning all those lab tes...
  2. Need at least 92, any advice?

    I took the HESI a week ago and found the grammar portion the easiest. I got a 92 overall but my school only requires the Math, Reading, Vocab sections, although I studied for the science and A&P. (whew) I don't remember many questions about comma...
  3. Got a 92% on HESI exam!!

    Thanks!! Actually our school doesn't require the A&P section, to my surprise. It was only math, reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, critical thinking and learning styles. I am in A&P II and microbiology right now, but have worked in t...
  4. Got a 92% on HESI exam!!

    I scored a 92% on my HESI test yesterday! :w00t: I used three books to study from: and
  5. Yes, it is an associates degree, they do not have a BSN program. It is only a junior college, part of the Colorado Community College System. There is a bunch of info at their website: ...
  6. No, I don't work for the school. I just know how frustrating the waiting lists are (been wanting to go to nursing school x 20 years now!) and I need a good roommate! Now that my son is grown and gone, I am finally able to go back to school and figure...
  7. I will be starting the nursing program this next fall at Trinidad State Junior College in Trinidad, Colorado (approx 200 miles south of Denver). There is no waiting list, the school admits students based on a point system, higher grades = more poi...
  8. I will be starting the nursing program this next fall at Trinidad State Junior College in Trinidad, Colorado (approx 200 miles south of Denver). There is no waiting list, the school admits students based on a point system, higher grades = more points...