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About trulyblessed2

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  1. Messy coworkers

    Hello everyone. I haven't posted in awhile. I have been a nurse working in dialysis for 3 1/2 years. The clinic where I work is sort of big.We have been short staffed for some time now. We have people...
  2. pregnant and hepatitis B

    If anyone can answer this please do. Can pregnant people with antibodies go in isolation room with hepatitis B
  3. termination or not

    This is her 3rd pregnancy and 3rd baby
  4. termination or not

    Okay so this is for any body who can answer this There is a nurse who was wanting to go to her baby shower Saturday. We get our schedule at the end of the month. She has been knowing about the baby...
  5. dialysis nurse daily routine

  6. dialysis nurse daily routine

  7. dialysis nurse daily routine

    I have a couple of questions for Fresenius employees. When do you draw labs? What labs are drawn for new patients? When do you do footchecks? Do you use e cube clinicals to document? When are home...
  8. Heparin pump

    Hi. I am sort of new to dialysis and I was wondering how to set up a heparin pump on a 2008T or 2008K
  9. Still carrying books around

    Hi I was just wondering does anyone still carry around their nursing school books? I have been a nurse for 5 months now and I feel I need to carry my lab and diagnostic book along with my drug guide...
  10. chart breakdown

  11. chart breakdown

    I have been working on med-surg floor about two weeks now and was asked to break down patient chart. What does that mean and how do you do
  12. I don't understand.

  13. I don't understand.

    Oh yes now I get a letter in the mail stating I was not selected for the position. Where is the nursing shortage if they don't want to hire
  14. I don't understand.

    I had an interview Thursday and one Monday. The interviewer did the same thing to me. I have made up my mind if I don't get a job soon I will go back to teaching. I pretty much think I have wasted 2...

    Hi I really need help. Are you still available for a