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About molly198722

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  1. Long Beach City College Nursing Program

    @ loneran6er: i'm sorry you did not get in to lbcc. maybe cerritos will be better since you didn't need to give them all your transcripts. i'm sure you will get in to a program. i didn't get in last semester to any of the schools i applied to (6 scho...
  2. Accepted!!!

    Yep, I did the same thing. I took it coz I was applying to CSU's. Nope, it wasn't too bad but I will start looking over the book again just in case. :) I actually applied last semester but I was just an alternate. I hope this is it!!!
  3. Accepted!!!

    Thanks jamaica! I'm so excited. I took the Teas last Feb. but I think they need it to be within a year. Aw, I almost made it. I'll see you at the advisement session!!! Yay!
  4. Long Beach City College Nursing Program

    Hi Jamie, Congrats on being accepted!!! I was just wondering what your letter said. I got a letter from LBCC that said to attend the advisement session on 3/25 but it doesn't say I'm officially in... did yours say you're definitely in?? I'm so nervo...
  5. Accepted!!!

    Hello!!! I just wanted to know what the letter said... I got a letter from LBCC saying to attend the advisement session. But it doesn't say that I'm officially in. Did yours say that you're definitely in??? Thanks!!! I'm so nervous!
  6. LACC v LAVC

    you're right. it will all work out :) thanks a bunch!!
  7. LACC v LAVC

    oh no... i thought i was in when i read it and then my friend got the same letter and she said we're just alternates. i'm # 77 which also doesnt make sense because it says i'm one of the 30 alternates. so there should only be 30. but then i rememb...
  8. LACC or Mount st Marys pleazzeee help

    hi rita1988... i was curious what the acceptance letter said. i got a letter from LACC too and it said that im one of the 30 alternate students who have been officially accepted into the nursing program... im so confused whether im an alternate or im...
  9. LACC v LAVC

    hi tongie28... can you please let me know what the alternate letter looks like for LACC. I got a letter saying congratulations and that i'm one of the 30 alternate students who have been officially accepted into the program. it also has an orientatio...