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  1. I am a new LVN. I have a question about a word

    I put it in for a search on google, and the only place it could be found is right here, they suggested diaphoretic, could he have been asking if you were sweating? Next time I would suggest you just ask at the time. Good luck...
  2. Hourly vs. Benefits

    Benefits are worth their weight in gold. You are looking at a job that you want. Your salary will go up, but even if it doesn't I bet you get at least double time and a half for holidays worked, meaning time and a half for working the day, and anothe...
  3. Question for my fellow nurses!

    Honestly I don't understand why you would be nervous about anyone but your current manager being upset by you applying to two other departments. Obviously you want out of your current position. Assuming all things are equal, salary, shift preference...
  4. LPN...not good enough??

    I've been retired after 35 years at my local hospital, working as an LPN. I graduated from nursing school in 1976. I had been accepted into three RN programs, one a hospital school, the others Associate degree programs. I choose to be an LPN because ...
  5. Forced to Take an Assignment You Can Not Handle

    I'm appalled by the apathy that most or the responders are showing. I've been a nurse to nearly 40 years. When we can't do the work that our patients need it is frustrating. To tell a young nurse, that's the way it is, get used to it....which is what...
  6. Finally, a sense of reason. I cannot believe the resposes you got. This is just not right. You have every right to be outraged. Here are some questions I have for you, Have you been in trouble in any way? What did they do about it? How was your evalu...
  7. All you wonderful LPN's

    Thank you for your support. It is really interesting being an LPN. I just retired from a small general hospital after 35 years of service. Young RNs were always surprised when one of the RNs would say that they never would have made it through their ...