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About angpoulos

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  1. Personal Statement, IM STUCK!

    Hey guys/girls, I am applying to a masters program for Adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner and I have a difficult time expressing myself through writing, Im more of a conversationalist. I LOVE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM! Please, tear it apart...
  2. Graduate School resume help!!

    Obviously lacking format :) Angela *. *****, BSN, RN 1234 Sunshine Lane, IL 1234 |[email protected] | (000) 111-2222 Objective: Admittance to the _____ Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner program where I can obtain an exceptional educat...
  3. Graduate School resume help!!

    Hey everyone, I am re-writing my resume for MSN-NP Program. I can't seem to find as much input as I need on the internet. I was wondering if anyone has been in my shoes and can give me some advice. I assume I don't need to include my underg...
  4. HELP-Cover letter :)

    I plan on attaining certifications. Currently i am ACLS and NRP certified. Would like to do PALS and additional peds certifications. The only hard part, its expensive. My institution pays for education and certifications however I find it slightl...
  5. Why is EFM cert. a requirement for L an D

    funny you mention it. I was just required to take 16 hours of EFM classes even though I have been an L&D nurse for over a year. Although, i really did think I learned some pretty important stuff
  6. HELP-Cover letter :)

    Hey everyone! I am new at this, but I am looking for advice. I am currently a Labor and delivery nurse but my dream since I was younger was to be a peds nurse. I am applying to a very competitive hospital so I spent some time on a cover letter, ess...