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About pocu123

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  1. Abuse or Sacrificial Love?

    You guys are the best...... I need to hurry and get to the library to print this off so I'll have the information for reference. Don't want to lose or forget any of it. StevieLynn you are so on the money. I thought that maybe I sounded petty to ever...
  2. Abuse or Sacrificial Love?

    Thanks for your concern everyone..... PBAJS, I'm already receive help from WIC. (That's my breakfast every morning. It's a good thing I like Cheerios.) Soleilpie, that is a good idea. I do go to a sort of "vocational" medical institute. I asked them ...
  3. Abuse or Sacrificial Love?

    I was both Air Force and Army. I don't dare try to re-enter the Army. If I don't have anyone to watch her during day and/or night, I definitely don't have anyone to watch her for a year long deployment. I only WISH I could re-enter the Air Force. I h...
  4. Abuse or Sacrificial Love?

    Your signature includes "In the heart of the Heartland". Where are you from?
  5. Abuse or Sacrificial Love?

    Ms. RN/writer, would you believe that I JUST read about that in Matthew 2 two days ago? What a coincidence....... Thanks.
  6. Presents for the masses!

    You know, I sent a PM but I think I'll put it out there for the whole world to see. Before I left for the military about five years ago, I worked as a nurse's aide. My charge nurse gave us all a big can of de-icer for Christmas. I don't know how hand...
  7. Abuse or Sacrificial Love?

    Can't go home. As I said in my posting, I didn't have much of a choice when I left the military. As far as people who have my best interest at heart, no one else has invited me into their home. And, I don't know anyone else in this city as far as pot...
  8. Abuse or Sacrificial Love?

    Hello all. I tried to find the best forum possible but I just wasn't sure. Currently I'm a medical administration student. I'm not a nurse but I am seriously contemplating it for a time in the future. I discovered this website about a week ago and it...
  9. Okay Question.......

    Thanks so much everyone. I truly appreciate this advice. This kind of situation can get very frustrating and depressing. I think I will print out all the postings and hang them on the wall! However, Pricklypear, I am in school right now for medical ...
  10. Okay Question.......

    Hello Everyone. Now that I've registered and finally figured out how to post a thread,..... I tried to find the best forum to ask this question. I think that "new nurses" would know what's out there. I am currently a medical administration student an...