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  1. Western vs Western-Fanshawe BScN programs

    Congrats all! I chose the collab option, so I guess I will see you around klovesedamame! Based on the opinions I solicited, Fanshawe has a better hands-on, practical aspect. I've also heard speculation that employers prefer collab grads rather than j...
  2. Western vs Western-Fanshawe BScN programs

    Nope, regular full time.
  3. Western vs Western-Fanshawe BScN programs

    If the applicant has been out of "full-time" school for more than a certain amount of years (I think it's like 5, I forget), then you have to write a letter to admissions explaining what your goals are, why you think you'd be a desirable candidate fo...
  4. Western vs Western-Fanshawe BScN programs

    Thanks for the response. I applied as a 105D applicant with an 86% average out of highschool and a good Mature Student letter of intent. Let me know how your open house at Western goes this weekend! Honestly I am leaning towards Fanshawe just because...
  5. Hey all, was looking for a bit of advice. I was recently accepted into both the Western & Western/Fanshawe BScN program. I've been scouring the internet trying to find the distinction between the two (if there is one). I live equidistant from bot...