Meeting AHPRA requirements as a International Trained Nurse from the Philippines

World Registration


I see. Thank you! Keep us posted. God bless to us! :)

I knew a classmate of mine who had his BP there. I heard from another classmate that he got stressed there because of the exams. But nonetheless, I think he's ok. If you've got significant hospital experience, I think you can handle the BP in any school. One thing about the unis though, their reputations are really good. And they're well known. We rarely find reviews on schools in the internet.

Hi, how many weeks is their clinical placement?

hello everyone. newbie here. hope you take time to read. i have a few questions:

1. estimated cost of bridging program (including processing of papers, visa and accomodation)

2. validity of an ahpra loe (how many months)

3. if unable to find a job immediately after the bridging, what are the alternatives? (enroll to another subject and how much is the probable cost)

sorry i'm a bit conscious about money as i am spending my own savings (without help from family etc) and i need the expenses to be little bit more detailed. thank you fellow nurses.

Hi, how many weeks is their clinical placement?

That I do not know, I'm sorry. If you're really interested, send them an email. They will surely get back to you.

hello everyone. newbie here. hope you take time to read. i have a few questions:

1. estimated cost of bridging program (including processing of papers, visa and accomodation)

2. validity of an ahpra loe (how many months)

3. if unable to find a job immediately after the bridging, what are the alternatives? (enroll to another subject and how much is the probable cost)

sorry i'm a bit conscious about money as i am spending my own savings (without help from family etc) and i need the expenses to be little bit more detailed. thank you fellow nurses.

1. estimated cost of bridging program (including processing of papers, visa and accomodation)

If by "processing of papers" you mean the AHPRA application for registration, that would be 550aud. That doesn't include the procurement of documents from the relative government agencies and your school and the cost for document delivery.

BP ranges from 10,750aud (that's at Sunraysia College of Health and Nursing) to 14,250aud (ACFE). These figures are true as of April 2015 because that was when I researched on all schools offering BP.

Visa costs about 200aud (that is if you get the Visa 600)

I really don't know the exact cost for accommodation but I think allotting 150-200aud per week for that is fair enough. Anyone else there who can shed some light on this?

2. validity of an ahpra loe (how many months)

12months from the date they emailed your LOE.

3. if unable to find a job immediately after the bridging, what are the alternatives?

Apply for PR? Sorry. For this, I really don't have a concrete answer. This would be a good topic to discuss on.


Anyone here going for BP in IHNA for november intake?

I just received my refferal letter from ahpra 24th of august.

Thank you..

@MoSantos, yes i'll keep you posted oncey RO requested me to send documents fr school.

Anyone here who had the same experience. I lodged my application at victoria, but i was referred to my RO who is fr AhPRA perth.

I was wondering as well if having a US RN license would count in the assessment. I dont have 3 months in the US but has nearly 5 yrs experience .

Specializes in Critical care.

Hi Amaree21

It's the expense that includes my BP only and living expenses and other expenses I have to bear myself. Anyways, I sent my application to AHPRA on my own. I just have to forward documents from my college and my profession registration body but I read someone's post stating that we don't need to forward those as we do not meet the criteria2,3 and 8. So I'm a bit confused whether to arrange for that or not. Please advise. Do I need to get forwarded my transcripts, syllabus, pharmacology statement and status of registration from concerned authorities? Thanks in advance.

Hi, me too. I sent mine in QLD but the RO who mailed me was from Perth.

Congratulations! It is good news that they process faster now. :)

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