Meeting AHPRA requirements as a International Trained Nurse from the Philippines

World Registration


Based on my experience after bridging course, my school IHNA submitted a graduation list to AHPRA. Then I went back to the Philippines and waited for my registration to be posted on AHPRA's website. I think there's no need to reapply to AHPRA because its just a continuation of the processing of the registration. Some of my friends waited 2 weeks for registration to arrive while I waited for a month. Also in applying for ANMAC, you also have to prepare certain documents and have them certified and posted to ANMAC in Canberra. =)

@kristine25 hello,I just want to ask where did you have your placement?thanks...

Thanks for the info @official02. When did you start processing for the school requirements?

@kat76 yeah i'm still school scouting. How i wish I can win the lottery so that the fees won't be a problem anymore. Haha :)

Specializes in EENT, MS, Aged Care.


I started after I got my LOE just this month. I find it difficult to complete my vaccination because its too costly and I can't find some adult vaccines near my place. Another bump for me is the mantoux test because our hospital's TB DOTS has no available stock of PPD. I'll just buy tomorrow.

Why don't you try applying for the scholarship program of Monash? If I'll be granted with one, I'll push through with them. If not, I'm uncertain.

Specializes in Renal, dialysis.


i meant for visa application. you can just use general, mind you, in theory it should be easier to get higher points, as if and when you get minimum of 8s for all areas. then you can claim 20 points for language proficiency. which is a big thing, as 5 years of work exp will only get you 10 points, while working for 3 will give you 5 points. anyways, i ended up with 65 points all together which is good enough as i got invited to apply 2 days after lodging interest... either ways, some people do both academic and general whichever will give them more points. i thought of it, but decided against it. which was the right thing to do i guess.

yeah i did realise there was a thread somewhere..

anyways. ielts is not something to be afraid of, ive had to do it 4 times all together.

but my last 2, i got mostly 8.5s and 9

its hard work, but it can be done, and focus on where you need to. mine was writing lol.

@jmmolina- our conversion/adaptation here is only diploma level.

i can do another degree here, bachelors or masters (expensive) i actually got accepted at uni of edinburgh (which is in top 20 world rankings) but its faken expensive too.

and theres a lot of red tape, on placements (if you are doing it yourself) from work, as ive realised. im looking at IHNA in perth,

but most likely end of next year intake. i might as well wait to get permanent residency here next year in aug, then leave (fallback)

and more than anything save up for the move. its expensive. theres nothing you can do without money.

anyways, good luck to everyone haha.

i may go to aus around mid year next year just to make entry and activate the visa, then come back here and wait for the BP.

@official02 can you give me a site for the application of Monash? :) what were the requirements?

Specializes in EENT, MS, Aged Care.


Now, I know. I'm still not confident doing general IELTS. Haha. And I have to complete everything before my academic expires late next year. I can obtain 60 points anyway, I think, and 65 point if state sponsored.


Monash should give me the scholarship for promoting them. Haha. Check this Facebook page: Education Linkages Philippines. They have a post there about the program.

I've read in previous posts that the "scholarship" is "controversial". however please update if yours will be granted.

Any idea of schools which do not require years of experience? I consider myself lucky because I was given a referral letter for BP even if I didn't have bedside experience (though I've worked in a different field in the healthcare industry for almost 2 years). I was really expecting that I would have negative results because majority of the posts I've read is that AHPRA requires at least 3 months of work experience and should be stated as a staff nurse. Most people also say that you will have a difficult time looking for a job after BP if you have zero experience. However, I continued to be positive and pushed through with the application. Prayers truly work! Hopefully I'll find a school which will suit me. If anyone has ideas, please let me know! :)

Hi! Any onshore applicants here who got there LOE's? Kindly post your timeline.

hi!!anyone here joining acn's january intake?;)

In short, employers are looking for quality, highly experienced and passionate nurses.

Yes it does matter where you do your bridging program, but no it doesn’t. It all comes down to the “quality” and nothing to do with branding.

Yes it does all lead to registration, but the question is why do you want to get your registration? Ah that’s right, it is because you want to work in Australia, so doesn’t it make sense that you look at that question more carefully.

In the end, it is the employers perception that counts, and they associate quality training with quality providers, that in the main is the Universities!. In addition, the more clinical placement time you experience, the more calibrated you will be to the Australian health care system, which is what the IRON program is about after all!

Don't become another statistic - so many nurses have already had to return to the Philippines because they thought they could outsmart the system by spending less, doing it on their own and using lower quality providers that promise you the world and give you an atlas.

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